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Analyst: No Intel processor inside Apple’s tablet

“Apple is throwing a glamorous Tablet party and chip partner Intel isn’t invited,” Scott Moritz reports for

“With production time of its Tablet approaching, Apple has been making its final decisions on which components will go into the device, which is due out in March,” Moritz reports. “Unfortunately for Intel, it didn’t make the cut, says Northeast Securities analyst Ashok Kumar, based on conversations with Apple’s design manufacturing partners.”

Moritz reports, “There has been speculation that Intel’s new generation of Atom chips was in the running for the slot, but Apple ultimately chose a processor developed by P A Semi, a chip shop Apple acquired two years ago, according to another analyst familiar with the so-called build plan.”

Moritz reports, “If you believe that the closely-watched Apple Tablet will reshape the mobile computing landscape, then the snub deals Intel a significant defeat.”

Full article here.

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