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Verizon Droid ad calls Apple iPhone ‘tiara-wearing digitally clueless pageant queen’ (with video)

Verizon has launched a new ad for the Motorola Droid, “Pretty.”

Electronista reports, “The new spot directly attacks the iPhone and calls Apple’s handset a ‘digitally clueless pageant queen,’ making fun of its focus on style and even mocking the glass case Apple used to display the phone at its launch in 2007.”

MacDailyNews Take: Focus on style? Just because iPhone has style, doesn’t mean that Apple focuses on it. If anything, Apple focuses on the apps available for iPhone. Something with which, along with style, the brick heavy Droid simply cannot compete.

Electronista continues, “It meanwhile thrives on the Droid’s powerful, masculine image and, among other things, suggests that the smartphone is ‘racehorse duct-taped to a Scud missile fast.'”

Direct link via YouTube here.

Full article here.

“Verizon tonight cut deep by launching a new ad for the Motorola Droid,” Electronista reports.

“The new spot directly attacks the iPhone and calls Apple’s handset a ‘digitally clueless pageant queen,’ making fun of its focus on style and even mocking the glass case Apple used to display the phone at its launch in 2007,” Electronista reports.

MacDailyNews Take: If Verizon has decided that the best way to compete with iPhone is to weakly try and fail to emasculate it, then Verizon is clueless, desperate, fearful, and stupid.

Have Small Penis Syndrome? Get a Motorola Droid from Verizon!

Besides Verizon’s and Motorola’s obvious issues, this is really a poor marketing strategy. The geniuses at Verizon are basically saying, “Hey, you 51% of the U.S. population who are female, these aren’t the Droids you’re looking for.” What’s next, Verizon, marketing Droid only to blue collar men? Way to minimize your own addressable market, dummies. By the way, you 51% of the U.S. population who are female plus all of the men who can recognize a complete platform with a vibrant ecosystem vs. yet another device fighting over Apple’s table scraps in the quest to become the SanDisk of smartphones, the iPhone 3GS is for you. The “S” is for speed.

Unless Verizon is looking to deliver highly-targeted Viagra and Enzyte ads, the only other thing we can think of is that maybe Verizon subconsciously wants Droid to fail, so they’ll be forced to finally wake up, forget about their craptastic V-Cast and dreams of other proprietary over-priced, under-featured services, and sign on Steve Jobs’ dotted line like they should have in the first place.

Apple should, and likely will, ignore these ads, since they’re not stupid like Microsoft.

And, a Scud missile is an inaccurate Soviet Cold War-era lumbering piece of junk deployed by North Korea, Syria, Sadam Hussein’s Iraq, and other tremendous examples of technologically-advanced global powerhouses. In other words, when a Scud doesn’t blow up on the pad, meander off-course, or disintegrate in flight, it’s slow. And duct-taping a 1,200 lb. horse to it certainly isn’t going to make it any faster.

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