Microsoft’s Vista service pack, er, ‘Windows 7’ can’t compete with Apple’s Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Mac OS X Snow Leopard“Microsoft’s monopoly lock over the PC hardware business has been threatened by Apple’s growth. The clumsy, years late release of Windows Vista only helped to accelerate buyers’ interest in evaluating Apple’s offerings. Many Windows Enthusiasts now have the idea that a strong release of Windows 7 will turn things around and rob Apple of its newfound growth,” Daniel Eran Dilger writes for RoughlyDrafted. “However, Windows 7 won’t help Microsoft win back any significant market share from Apple because copying what worked for selling Macs won’t work for Microsoft.”

“There’s nothing in Windows 7 that makes the generic PC more competitive with the Mac experience,” Dilger writes. “Instead, Windows 7’s borrowed similarities, including Microsoft’s own version of the Mac OS X Dock and Expose, only endorse Apple’s Mac platform as being the leader and innovator.”

“Windows 7 simply won’t introduce anything game changing,” Dilger writes. “The global PC market won’t radically rebound because of a new name affixed to the latest Vista service pack.”

“Over the last half decade, Mac sales have subsequently grown from around 0.7 million per quarter in 2004 to 2.6 million in the most recent quarter, despite the current recession,” Dilger writes. “Windows 7 won’t reverse any of the causes of Apple’s success. It won’t make Apple retail outlets go away, won’t stop the incessant malware attacks targeted at Windows PCs, and won’t clean up the support mess involved in selling hardware from one company with software from another.”

Dilger writes, “Windows 7 is all about trying to resell Vista to XP users who didn’t want it the first time,” Dilger writes, “That’s going to be a hard sell. Microsoft already ceded HP the rights to continue offering XP to business users, but from here on out, Microsoft will be forcing other PC users into the Vista/7 fold. Users get a flashier, slower system for their troubles.”

Dilger writes, “Windows 7 and Snow Leopard aren’t in competition. Nobody is going to be shopping around this winter considering the merits of each. Microsoft will be begging PC users to upgrade to a new, unfamiliar PC while pushing the price of netbooks up, as Apple will simply continue selling Macs.”

Much more in the full article – recommended – here.

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