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Apple’s new MacBook, iPod touch selling like hotcakes

“Daring Fireball blogger John Gruber is one of the best-sourced Apple writers on the planet. So when he declares something, we listen,” Dan Frommer reports for Silicon Alley Insider.

Gruber says Apple’s iPod touch and new MacBook lines are on fire:

• From yesterday, via his blog: “my sources indicate the Touches are selling nearly as well as the Nanos this year, despite being much more expensive.”
• From Wednesday, via his blog: “It’s only going to take a few weeks for us to get Apple’s results from this quarter, at which point we’ll find out that the new MacBooks are selling like hotcakes.”
• From Dec. 6, via Twitter: “From what I’ve heard, the new MacBooks are selling at an unprecedented pace. Insanely popular.”

Full article here.

As opposed to Zunes, which are selling like snotcakes.

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