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David Pogue: Blackberry nuts are even nastier than Mac fans

“I learned something last week,” David Pogue blogs for The New York Times. “In my Times print column, I reviewed the BlackBerry Storm, by far the worst product Research in Motion has ever produced. I had problems with its concept, problems with its clicky touch screen, problems with its speed, and above all, problems with bugs. (which the company refused to acknowledge, even when I sent them videos of the phone acting up and even locking up.)”

“About 100 readers wrote to say that they had bought the Storm and now regretted it,” Pogue reports. He then goes on to provide some rather hilarious samples, including:

• It has been an absolute nightmare…

• I rushed out last week to try the new Storm–and was frustrated, confused and bewildered by the device…

• One of my co-workers, who is almost militant in his disdain for all things Apple, couldn’t wait to get his hands on a Storm. Lo & behold, 30 minutes later, he was trying to figure out a way to get his money back…

• The bottom line: BlackBerry has created the Zune of touchscreen phones.

There are many more in the full article. Pogue also reports, “About a dozen new Storm owners wrote to say that, while they, too, found some bugs and sluggishness, they liked the phone nonetheless. But I also heard from about a dozen people who have not tried the Storm, but nonetheless poured on me the Internet equivalent of molten lead.”

“I’ve always thought that that vocal sub-population of Mac fans make up the world’s most watchful, most hostile grass-roots lobbying arm,” Pogue writes. “But now I see that I was wrong. There’s an even nastier one: the BlackBerry nuts.”

Pogue gives some examples of email from the CrackBerry nuts, too, in the full article – highly recommended – here.

MacDailyNews Take: After numerous reviews from many disparate sources, the fact is that RIM’s ill-conceived Storm sucks.

Like every other device-maker not named Apple, RIM is years behind, trying to cut corners and missing them widely, in a desperate, futile attempt to catch up to iPhone.

The CrackBerry nuts really need to relax, leave respected reviewers alone, take some time to get used to the new world order, and start praying that the right Steve wants to buy what’s left of RIM after the market drives the company’s price down deep into the discount bin along with all of those rapidly-returned Storms.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers too numerous to mention for the heads up.]

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