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Microsoft CEO Ballmer says Windows Vista ‘a work in progress’

“As PC users clamor for Microsoft to continue to support Windows XP, company CEO Steve Ballmer called the Vista OS ‘a work in progress’ at an annual Seattle event on Thursday,” Nancy Gohring reports for IDG News Service.

“‘It’s a very important piece of work. We did a lot of things right and have a lot of things we need to learn from. You never want to let five years go between releases,’ he said,” Gohring reports.

“While Microsoft recently extended the date when the XP software will be available for low-cost PCs, it doesn’t plan to listen to some other complaints, including that Vista is too big. ‘Vista is bigger than XP and it’s gonna stay bigger than XP,” Ballmer said. “We have to make sure it doesn’t get bigger still,'” Gohring reports.

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: There’s nothing new here; everyone knows that Microsoft’s been turtling Vista for years.

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