RUMOR: Apple plans multi-touch ‘Newton’ for first half of 2008

“Apple Inc, which helped spawn the PDA market with its Newton MessagePad line in the early ’90s, plans to give the concept another go with a modern day reincarnation of the old fan favorite based on the company’s new mutli-touch technology,” Kasper Jade reports for AppleInsider.

“With the initial iPhone now out the door and two successive models well underway in Apple’s labs, it’s believed to be full steam ahead for the modern day Newton project. Like iPhone and the iPod touch, the new device runs an embedded version of Apple’s Mac OS X Leopard operating system,” Jade reports. “Externally, the mutil-touch PDA has been described by sources as an ultra-thin ‘slate’ akin to the iPhone, about 1.5 times the size and sporting an approximate 720×480 high-resolution display that comprises almost the entire surface of the unit.”

“More broadly characterized as Apple’s answer to the ultra-mobile PC, the next-gen device is believed to be tracking for a release sometime in the first half of 2008,” Jade reports.

More, including an artist rendition of the rumored device, in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “MacVicta” for the heads up.]

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