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Many good reasons to put Apple Macs to work running your business

Apple Store“Ian Cumming was a Windows guy. After almost 40 years in the IT industry, he knew everything there was to know about Microsoft’s operating system. He started out as a computer programmer on IBM mainframes and then graduated to personal computers that ran MS-DOS,” Paul Lima reports for The Globe and Mail.

Lima reports, “He’d been a Windows user ever since Microsoft had introduced its graphical user interface OS in 1983.”

MacDailyNews Note: Incorrect date. Microsoft announced its development of Windows in 1983. Microsoft modeled the Windows GUI on Apple’s Mac OS. Bill Gates had been shown a Macintosh prototype by Steve Jobs early in its development as Microsoft was partnered by Apple to create some early Mac software (Word) circa 1981. Microsoft debuted Windows 1.0 with a very rudimentary UI in November 1985.

Lima continues, “As head of sales and marketing for an IT security company, Cumming had experienced all the good things about Windows: the business applications like Microsoft Office and cheaper prices thanks to all the vendors that sell Windows-compatible hardware—to name just two. He’d also experienced all that was bad about it, including unexpected crashes and that notorious susceptibility to viruses—also to name just two. But if you were in business, Windows was what you needed. At least, that’s what Cumming thought, until a friend persuaded him—’with a great deal of resistance’—to buy an Apple PowerBook G4 for home.”

“When Cumming decided to set up his own company, selling organic fertilizer to commercial farmers, he decided to use Apple—much to the horror of many of his Windows-touting business associates. ‘I didn’t have to think about it for long,’ he says,” Lima reports.

“Compatibility between programs made for both operating systems is so complete that Cumming doesn’t even operate his Mac in Windows mode,” Lima reports.

Lima reports, “The porting of Macs to the Intel microprocessor and the inclusion of dual-boot mode began to pay off late in 2006, says Eddie Chan, a research analyst with IDC Canada. In the third quarter of 2005, Apple had a 5.8-per-cent share of the Canadian commercial desktop computer market; in the third quarter of 2006, it had 6.4 per cent. It’s seen similar growth in the U.S. market. “Apple has been significantly outperforming the North American commercial computer market in terms of year-over-year growth,” says Chan. In the third quarter of 2006, sales of Apple’s commercial desktops were up 16.6 per cent in the U.S. Meanwhile, year-over-year sales in the desktop computer market were down 2.3 per cent over all. Same story in Canada: 17.4 per cent growth for Apple Canada in the third quarter of ’06, compared with just 6.7 per cent for the Canadian PC market.”

Much more in the full article here.

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