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Daniel Eran tears Paul Thurrott a new orifice

Apple Store“Passing up an opportunity to comment on a Paul Thurrott rant is like driving past paramedics at the scene of an accident. I know I should just keep driving and not hold up traffic, but there’s an instinctive need to find out how truly awful things are and to determine what could have happened to cause such a disaster,” Daniel Eran writes for RoughlyDrafted.

Eran writes, “It’s only when Thurrott takes off his Microsoft historian hat and attempts to defend the company that his writing begins to induce a violent gag reflex. It’s not that Thurrott just really likes the company he’s worked for and around for well over a decade. Really, good for him for being excited and enthusiastic about the subjects he covers.”

“What really is so disturbing about his ad naseum rants against Apple and Google–and any other company that dares to compete against Microsoft–is that he delivers them, not as straightforward, factual criticism based on real issues, but rather as a falsely contrived bit of calculated emotionalism and populist pandering in a truly slimy way, mixing in facts he makes up on the fly and failing to cite any real support for his claims,” Eran writes.

Eran writes, “To top things off, Thurrott then sugar coats his ultra right-wing style absolutist fundamentalism with a thick, campy layer of extreme left-wing liberal faux-outrage.”

“You lie when convenient, invent facts to mislead, religiously portray Microsoft as something it’s not, make broad generalizations of Mac users all being an irrational bunch of kooks that don’t deserve to exist, lash out at anyone who says anything you don’t want to hear, make false accusations against them using words you don’t even understand, and then stick your fingers in your ears and cry about invented persecutions when it’s pointed out how wrong, deluded, and hypocritical you actually are,” Eran writes.

Oh, there’s more — much, much more — in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “RichT” for the heads up.]

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