O’Grady’s top ten Apple potential announcements for Macworld Expo

“It’s that time of year again, time to dust off the crystal ball and prognosticate about what Apple has in store for us at the big January love-in at Moscone. Macworld Expo opens in San Francisco in less than two weeks and predicting Expo announcements has become nothing short of a sport. So before you lay your money down for that shiny new computer, here are Jason the Greek’s Vegas odds on Steve Jobs announcements for The Big Dance,” Jason D. O’Grady writes for ZDNet.

O’Grady’s list:
10. Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
9. Intel PowerBook
8. iWork ’06
7. iLife ’06
6. Bluetooth remote control
5. Price Increases for iTunes
4. AirPort Ultra (featuring video) + AirTV application (stream video to your TV – in High Definition)
3. 1GB iPod nano
2. Intel Mac mini
1. Widescreen Intel iBook (Don’t be surprised if this IBook is the first to ship without a FireWire port)

Full article here.

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