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Palm goes to the dark side, next Treo to use Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0

“Palm Inc. is teaming up with Microsoft Corp. to launch a Windows-based version of the Treo smart phone, marking the first time the handheld computer pioneer will sell a device based on its former rival’s software… The new device will run on Windows Mobile 5.0, the latest version of the operating system that has been challenging Palm OS for years,” Greg Sandoval reports for The Associated Press.

Sandoval reports, “The new Treo 700 will be offered through Verizon Wireless, according to market analyst Rob Enderle and other industry sources. ‘In terms of the level of importance, this would be in this space the same thing as Apple announcing they were going to be using Intel processors,’ Enderle said.”

Full article here.
As usual, Enderle gets it wrong. This would be like Apple announcing they were dropping Mac OS X for Windows XP.

If Palm was “the handheld computer pioneer,” what was Apple? See Newton.

BTW, Palm, you’re dead to us.

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