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Setting up Apple’s Mail for sending and receiving Google’s Gmail

“Google Inc. opened up its Gmail Web mail service to a wider scope of users on Monday by randomly offering, for the first time, accounts to some visitors of the main page. Until Monday, to get a Gmail account, a user had to be invited to the service by either Google or an existing Gmail user,” Juan Carlos Perez reports for IDG News. “‘We just started (on Monday) offering Gmail accounts to a randomly selected sample on Google,’ said Marissa Mayer, Google’s director of consumer Web products. ‘It’s a natural step to leverage the wider user base of to grow Gmail.'”

Perez reports, “About one in 20 visitors are getting the Gmail account offer, Mayer said. ‘Based on the success of this one-in-20 scope, we’ll be ramping it up over the next couple of weeks,’ she said.”

Full article here.

Google has posted instructions for configuring Apple Mail for Gmail’s POP, or Post Office Protocol, which lets you download messages from Gmail’s servers onto your computer so you can send, receive, and manage your Gmail with Apple’s Mail. There’s no need to use the web-based Google Gmail, if you don’t wish to do so. Gmail doesn’t currently support IMAP access. Illustrated instructions for configuring Apple Mail here. We followed the instructions and they worked perfectly for us using Apple Mail 1.3.9 (v619/619.2).

Instructions for other email client applications here.

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