Windows blue screen of death crashes Gates’ Keynote at CES

Microsoft’s Bill Gates’ opening keynote at CES did not go entirely to plan, but, then again, when does it ever when Windows is powering the show?

“Bill Gates’s legendary luck failed him during his keynote presentation at the 2005 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas,” Iain Thomson reports for “His demonstration of Microsoft Media Center crashed during the presentation on integrating digital photography, and later a Microsoft product manager failed to access the internet with a Tablet PC.”

“The presentation started on a jokey theme, with late-night TV host Conan O’Brien presenting a mock version of his own show and a video diary of his and Bill’s ‘lost weekend’ in Las Vegas. ‘I got too drunk, I woke up with a hooker,’ O’Brien said. ‘Bill got too drunk, he woke up with an Apple computer,'” Thomson reports.

Full article here.


  1. Sour grapes?

    Too bad for all you that it wasn’t Steve jobs up there touting the latest ipod–which is about all Apple has going for it these days in terms of new technology.

    You gotta hand it to MS, at least they get out there and develop new technology (smart phones, x-boxes, media players, tv technology, and so on). All we get from Apple is eye candy on top of open source for twice the price. Before you get all hot under the collar, I do believe that Mac is a nicer looking OS; but c’mon, people are getting tired of Mac Nazis blathering on about how Bill Gates got egg on his face yet again. Do you think he really cares what you have to say? No, he’s too busy getting his troops fired-up to kick everyones’ #sses in the marketplace while the Apple, SCO, <insert disaffected Bay Area company name here>, people are busy whining. Boo hoo.

    The next time you are using your copy of Office for the Mac, be glad that Mr. Gates has a fondness for Apple or be stuck using some open source crap that copies it.

  2. Amen brother.

    There are two kinds of Apple users: whiney pencil necked artists who dress in all black and wannabe whiney pencil necked artists who dress in all black.

    Apple will never win. Its users while fiercely loyal annoy the hell out of the rest of the 97% of computer users out there.

    I own a Mac and I own a PC and they both have problems. The only difference is that on PC websites they don’t waste their time talking about the last time Steve Jobs made an ass out of himself. They have better things to do.

    Get a life people!!!

  3. Obviously Mr. Jobbie and Crybaby are Mr. Bill Gates himself. Either that or they are paid by Bill. Face it ya moron Billy, you fscked up. LOL! What’s taking so long putting your CES keynote up??? Embarrassed? LOL! Ya jackass!

    It’s called give it up… try some.

  4. A Windows using friend of mine sat back in his chair one day and talked about how his system had crashed again and that he was forced to have to reinstall all his software once more. I asked him how often that happens? He said about every four to six months.

    Mac users I know would speak up and say “Buy a Mac and your problems will go away”. Being a Mac user I often find myself in situations were a friend has problems, but I never tell then to buy a Mac.

    The way I see it, my friends, like myself, have to discover the alternatives on our own. Why? Free choice. I discovered the Mac after using Windows for many years. For what I did the Mac was the perfect choice, but this may not be true for all Windows users.

    Personally I think the current version of Windows is a product that has outlived its usefullness. Microsoft needs to start over and rebuild Windows from the ground up, but if they do this they may make alot of their Windows compatible software unusuable. This would be in the same vein that Apple did with their own Mac OS 9 to OS X migration. Apple had a small market share that they could do it without alienating their customer base too much. Microsoft could lose big if they did that.

    Microsoft is trying so hard to control the entire spectrum of computing they have ignored basic customer needs. Fix Windows first then show us what’s next. I will never give up being a Mac user but if Microsoft could give me a safe and secure OS I may eventually add one to my computer life, until that happens I could never use Windows in its current form.

    Bill, you need to step back and look at your customer base and find away to keep them happy.

  5. Mr. Jobbie said..

    “I own a Mac and I own a PC and they both have problems. The only difference is that on PC websites they don’t waste their time talking about the last time Steve Jobs made an ass out of himself. They have better things to do. “

    Like coming to our websites to insult us? I have yet to see Mac fans go to pee-sea websites to dump on the wintel world.

    Get a life, indeed.

    david vesey

  6. Dang, I hope someone captured this. They are now saying they will show “highlights” shortly. READ: All embarrassing parts cut out.

    If anyone has a link to where you can still watch the uncut version please post it.

    I googled all over for it but can’t find one.

  7. “Obviously Mr. Jobbie and Crybaby are Mr. Bill Gates himself. Either that or they are paid by Bill.”

    You got it, Wha.


    I opined a long time ago that these Pee-Sea goons hanging out here had to be Bill himself, or hired goons. Who ELSE would hang around the other platforms websites tossing .22 caliber insults about like puppy shit?

    I think it’s Bill himself.

    It has to be.

    Get lost Billy-boy. Shoo-Shoo!!!

    david vesey

  8. Mr Vesey,

    “I opined a long time ago that these Pee-Sea goons…”

    Most of the time I agree with the posts on this site. However, I find it insulting that people like you need to speak for me.

    As an IT admin in a very large organization (who happens to be a Mac fan), I never hear my PC users complain about Macs. Why? Because the majority of PC users at my company don’t realy care to listen whenthe Applerati say things like “I opined a long time ago that these Pee-Sea goons.” It is really a turn off for a lot of people. AND, it makes my job harder because NO ONE in senior management wants to hear from the art staff about how everyone ought be on a Mac.

    My Windows users aren’t evil or dumb, they are interested in getting the most for their money (not just in harware but in SW, games, etc.). If Mac users would just stop complaning they would have an easier time prostelitizing.

    Oh, and I can tell you firsthand that XP and Windows Server 2003 RARELY crash nowadays. I’m pretty sure that the Windows people are working hard to make Windows better.

    My Macs do generate more calls per user but i don’t mind becuase the art staff is a fun group. The calls are usually centered around faulty third party drivers. So it is not really Apple’s fault, but it doesn’t look good for them.

    In the end, for my company, it goes down to which of the two operating systems costs less to own over its lifetime and Apple is a harder sell (though I wish that were not the case). We buy Macs because we have a large art staff, but the Windows computers cost a lot less to manage.

    Here’s my suggestion, rather than taking the holier than thou approach (which has only backfired on us as a community) why not show the world what is GOOD about Apple without making deragatory statements about other operating systems?

  9. Mr Mac Daddy,

    “I opined a long time ago that these Pee-Sea goons hanging out here had to be Bill himself, or hired goons. Who ELSE would hang around the other platforms websites tossing .22 caliber insults …..”

    I thought that I was being as clear as vodka that my problem was with PC folks like Mr. Jobbie who travel all the way here to insult us.

    How has Mr. Jobbie inoculated himself against criticism from you? And only I draw your fire?

    ” I never hear my PC users complain about Macs. Why?….”

    Ummmm.. Perhaps because they are better?

    ” NO ONE in senior management wants to hear from the art staff about how everyone ought be on a Mac.”

    People often get bored listening to other people who are right, while having no adequate argument to justiy a decision.

    “My Windows users aren’t evil or dumb, they are interested in getting the most for their money”

    How did your people get dragged into this? I thought I was being clear that I was talking about the rogue Pee-Sea attack droids that seem to inhabit EVERY mac website, and have nothing better to do than infiltrate and criticize our forums. Hey it’s a free country.. just STRANGE to do so. If you ask me.

    “Oh, and I can tell you firsthand that XP and Windows Server 2003 RARELY crash nowadays. I’m pretty sure that the Windows people are working hard to make Windows better.”

    Okay, well, that’s nice. I’m sure that in the proper hands that XP and Windows Server do just fine. However, the average person seems to end up with a problematic Windows machine in about 6 months. Or so I have observed.

    “In the end, for my company, it goes down to which of the two operating systems costs less to own over its lifetime and Apple is a harder sell (though I wish that were not the case). We buy Macs because we have a large art staff, but the Windows computers cost a lot less to manage.”

    In most situations I have heard that it’s the other way around. Perhaps you or your people are doing something wrong.

    “Here’s my suggestion, rather than taking the holier than thou approach (which has only backfired on us as a community) why not show the world what is GOOD about Apple without making deragatory statements about other operating systems?

    Maybe I just took too much Oxycontin this morning, but I would swear that all I did was put forth a theory that the Pee-Sea folks here were REALLY Bill Gates in disguise, and to call him a goon. I’m sure that what I said fell short of criticizing your people, and commenting on the stability of XP. But since I am being accused of criticism, I may as well do it.
    Mr Gates did have a heck of a time at the keynote speech to the CES when his oh so stable products froze, blue screened him and refused to connect to the internet. I guess no one told them that they were better, more stable , and cheaper than OS X.

    Take care now, Bye-bye then.

    David Vesey

  10. Thurott on Wininfo says it had nothing to with Microsoft software. Rather it was the lights that caused the computer to crash. I could just see the MS knowledgebase article now:

    Knowledgebase Article ID Q23525: Light can cause Windows to crash.

    Affected products: All.

    WORKAROUND: Don’t expose Microsoft products to light.

    STATUS: Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Windows. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.

  11. Mr Vesey,

    You are an angry person. Did you get your butt kicked by PC using bullies when you were a child?

    You do insult “my people” because as an IT pro I am the one who has to answer for the lame remarks of people like you. I’d be pleased if we could get more Macs in our corporate PC environment–but I’ll never get there as long as the Apple Snobs continue to act like their Sh*$ doesn’t stink. I’m a mac fan but I don’t make it a point to let the world know how much I like Macs by insulting PCs.

    As for your point about PC users or agents of Mr. gates lurking about in the interest of raining on your parade. Try not to be so self-absorbed. This particular article was chosen by Google as an article of interest (and my IIS and proxy logs at work indicated that it was widely read there). Your little haven for ranting was read by a lot of people. So it is not a surprise that there were some posts which disagree with your perspective.

    I think it is your approach that is faulty. No one really cares to be nitpicked by a paranoid person when the points that the paranoid person is making are inflammatory (although I’ll admit that I’m not helping matters by letting you bait me). I’m not arguing that one platform is better than another platform. You’re just being really sensitive. Perhaps YOU are an agent of Mr. Jobs paid to defend his honor?

    Allow me to state my case in a different way: By making inflammatory statements about your “enemy” (who, by the way, is ignoring you or dismissing you because you sound like a nut) you immediately render any intelligent discourse impossible. Slinging insults or sallying theories about how you are being picked on just isn’t going to get you anyplace and it will just irritate people who are otherwise ready to listen.

    Mac Daddy

  12. Mac Daddy is the man!

    Vesey, you call PCs “pee-see” which suggests that you are angry at PCs. Perhaps it wasn’t the bullies but the PC that was too difficult for you to use. I’m glad that the Mac is around to help with the less intelectually fortunate.

    While we’re on the subject of urination (“Pee-see”). Your sophomoric attempt at humor reminds me of those losers in the Chevy pickup trucks with the currupted image of Calvin peeing on the Ford logo(or Ford owners with Calvin peeing on Chevy, or some other manufacturer’s logo–the combinations are dizzying). Maybe you ought to make for yourself a picture of Calvin pissing on the MS logo. Then the world can know how you were wronged by Mr Gates. Maybe what you need is a support group–or is this site your support group.

    Oh, and while you’re at your support group, Vesey, you might have a chemical dependency problem that you could bring up. You make reference to vodka and oxycontin in the same post. It could be that your judgtement is clouded and once you get some help you will see more clearly.

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