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Apple’s lack of focus is killing the company

So writes Russ McGuire, the online director of Business Reform Magazine, in a commentary for Beginning with, “Apple Computers [sic] is back in its classic form: introducing lots of really cool technology products and losing money,” through, “…it took no time flat for the iPod team to introduce a version of the product that worked well with PCs running Windows operating systems. This single move may create a whole new broad class of Apple fans who can enjoy the company’s brilliance without being bound by the market limitations of the Apple computer platform,” and ending with, “Apple should be great. And profitable. Instead, the seeds of brilliance keep getting choked out by the weeds of commodity products. Now is the time to clear away the strangle-vines and sow success in the company’s fertile soil,” we wanted you to read it and tell us what you think. Full commentary here.

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