President-elect Trump says Tim Cook would ‘like to do something major’ regarding ‘Made in America’ iPhones

Axios interviewed President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday,” Justin Green reports for Axios.

Some snippets:

• On automation: Trump’s on record for preferring goods be made in the U.S., but conceded it’s not for everything. Notable: He singled out pharmaceutical companies on the automation and outsourcing [issues].

• He’s been in touch with most living presidents: Trump named calls from presidents Clinton and Bushes 1 and 2. He didn’t mention Carter.

His take on Apple and making the iPhone in the U.S., a campaign trail staple: Trump claimed Tim Cook has his “eyes open to it” and that [of] Cook, “[I] really believe he loves this country and I think he’d like to do something major here.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: How major? As in, Big League™ or more like “Mac Pro manufacturing?”

How the new Trump administration could help or hurt Apple’s business – January 16, 2017
President-elect Trump’s corporate tax reform expected to have some positive impact on Apple EPS – January 14, 2017
Foxconn-Sharp considering LCD plant in USA, plans in response to President-elect Trump’s ‘Make in America’ call – January 13, 2017
Apple invests $1 billion in SoftBank’s massive tech fund; may help company get in President Trump’s good graces – January 4, 2017
President-elect Trump meets privately with Apple CEO Cook, tells tech leaders: ‘I’m here to help you folks do well’ – December 14, 2016
Apple may repatriate billions of dollars next year after new U.S. President takes office – September 1, 2016
With next U.S. President, Apple’s cash may soon be on its way home – August 25, 2016
Apple CEO Tim Cook presses for U.S. corporate tax reform, says no repatriation without fair rate – August 15, 2016
Donald Trump plan calls for cuts in corporate taxes, personal income tax rates – August 9, 2016
Apple CEO Tim Cook has billions of reasons to raise money for the GOP – June 29, 2016
Debt-free Apple to take on debt to avoid huge U.S. repatriation tax hit – April 26, 2013

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Fred Mertz,” “Dan K.,” and “Judge Bork” for the heads up.]


        1. Be careful with superlatives like “ALL Trump supporters”. I’m a big fan of Trump, but also greatly appreciate what Obama did for the environment and health care (his foreign policy was a disaster, but he did a lot of good things too) and I consider his race utterly irrelevant. So not ALL Trump supporters are racist. In fact, I would venture to say that most aren’t, but those that are racist are quite vocal (sadly).

        2. Most Obama supporters are racist. There is no doubt Obama is the most racist President in the last 100 years, with the possible exception of LBJ. Obama often communicated his disdain for white people and Obama was and is a full supporter of Black Lives Matter, a hate organization that has incited blacks to kill cops.

        3. If I may be so bold, where there racists protesting the first black president? Did we see riots and destruction and crying when Nobama took power?? Did they overturn cars and destroy businesses and stand in the way of traffic and chain themselves to things???
          Did the white supremacists try to block him with recounts and demands for the electoral college to shun the will of the people????

          You leftist snowflakes have lost grip on reality.

        4. lmao…..exactly….out of touch celebrities shitting themselves, liberal brainwashed college snowflakes running to their safe space, and the delicate snowflake californians and new yorkers all peeing in their pants right now and throwing temper tantrums.

  1. It is not Tim Cooks job to make phones in America. It is his job to maximize shareholder value and satisfy customers with great products. Since Trumps various fashion products were ALL made overseas I guess that means he did not love America. I say all this as a conservative who likes free markets and freedom. Trump should stop fixating on Apple and do his job – cut the ridiculously high corporate tax, make it attractive for global companies to bring all profits home, reduce asinine government regulations and end Obamacare. All these things might make it attractive for Apple to bring some manufacturing to the US.

    1. I did not vote for Trump but I find that a lot of people are blind/deaf to him because of their outrage over his rough packaging.

      Trump does not suggest Cook/Apple or anyone else are anti-America in their practices. I’ve long understood his position to be that US tax and trade policy are DISincentive to manufacturing in the US and have been for some time.

      He believes in making manufacturing in the US a better business choice than importing goods and outsourcing jobs.

      His characterization of “shameful” on this subject is about US tax & trade policy, not the companies. As has been pointed out repeatedly, he and his companies have sensibly taken advantage of same for years because it’s the smart decision for businesses given the existing policies.

      He may or may not be right about the net result of moving manufacturing jobs back into the US, but it’s a strong belief of his, and I believe genuinely intended to improve employment & income here in this country.

      1. Actually Trump has personally attacked the executives of many companies for their decision to make some of their products overseas. He has issued threats to their businesses that he would put very high taxes on their specific products if they moved plants to Mexico, which is their prerogative, not his. He has spoken like a Fascist Dictator when he has addressed the executives of Carrier and Apple and BMW and many others. And I say that as a lifelong Republican. I didn’t vote for Trump.

        1. You are absolutely corect, kent. Glad to see that you are telling it like it is. Trump may have some redeeming qualities, but he does not need any help rationalizing the disconnects between what he said yesterday, what he is saying today, and what he might do/say tomorrow.

          Trump is a wildcard for both parties. In this particular case, he is personally inserting himself into corporate business decisions and making direct and significant policy threats to the companies and to other countries (and this is just as President-Elect!). That has to be shaking up a lot of Republicans who firmly believe in laissez faire.

        2. Both major political parties and the U.S. electorate failed in the past election. Better candidates were available, but the struggle for power by the establishment pushed through a couple of highly flawed candidates.

          Now we can do is ride the train to see where it ends up. But I and many others are going to remain highly vigilant regarding major policy changes to social, environmental, and energy programs. And all of you people who voted for Trump also need to stay engaged in developments and help rein in the excesses. You cannot go off and hide like you did after Bush II. It is like that guy never existed…

          Sometimes change is not for the better. Time will tell…

        3. One more thought…why not develop viable replacement strategies before jumping to repeal everything Obama? Avoid the chaos! Develop a policy and *update* or *replace* existing policies rather than just throwing everything out the window in the first 100 days.

        4. I am getting down votes, but I can only assume that they come from haters, because the logic is unassailable. Change things for the better? Of course. But change at the federal level (or any level, really) should occur in a logical and steady manner except in extreme cases.

          As an example, look at what happened with NASA under Obama – the Constellation program was gutted without a long term policy/purpose to guide the workforce. Work on Orion and SLS continued, but the Agency was left to struggle with how to justify/utilize those elements. The result was years of chaos inside NASA and a lot of wasted resources. Major policy elements cannot bounce around every four to eight years and, when there are major changes in direction, the new direction should be well-defined before gutting the old direction. It just makes freaking sense.

        5. Trump’s one and only redeeming quality is his high emotional IQ, through which agency he has understood and dealt with all manner of opposition. The value of his particular intuition, if you want to call it that, is incalculable in what passes for political analysis today. Labelling Trump a demagogue drastically undervalues the cognitive mechanism that successfully signals a uniting meme across a swath of cultures. He’s saying to elites, to oppressors, to experts, to anyone with power: eat my shorts.

          An irresistable message, unless you are an entrenched elite, oppressor, or expert, or anyone with power. There is a lesson somewhere in there to be learnt.

        6. Actually during his primary campaign Trump exclusively used lies and smears, like his message that Ted Cruz father assassinated JFK. Trump does have skills attacking insidious political correctness. But he is not a God and we are not supposed to be ruled by personality cults, like Hugo Chavez. So Trump has to work within the Constitution and he must not be permitted to threaten private industry leaders who are exercising their proper roles freely. Like he has done already with Carrier.

      2. PC Apologist, I do not care about “rough packaging.” I do care about Trump’s tendency to make decisions based on gut feel before he even receives the data, then discount the data because it conflicts with what he previously said. I do care when he says something one day, then denies saying it later, even though there is clear and unambiguous video evidence. I do care when he treats the Presidency more like a position of royalty. But he may grow into the job. I sincerely hope so, because the alternative is frightening to contemplate.

        1. Agreed. Among the reasons I did not vote for him.

          @kent – I wouldn’t use the term “threats” about his tax policy proposals. In fact, Carrier, etc. are far more carrot and far less stick than what he’s generally espoused — he’s offering BREAKS to them to stay rather than PENALTIES for leaving.

          I don’t think that’s the recipe for success. Simply making it expensive to go outside the US for labor would likely be more effective and less draining on the taxpayer.

  2. All Trump has to do is permanently lower corporate tax to 15%. Corporate money and investment will come roaring back to our shores without any personal presidential phone calls necessary…plus a 35% tariff on American companies shitcanning employees and moving abroad to sell back into the United States. This is precisely what Rand Paul has advocated and put into actual bills in the Senate for years.


      1. That Rubio saved the U.S. taxpayer from throwing untold billions more down the statist rathole is to be commended.

        The government grab of 1/6th of the U.S. economy known as “Obamacare” is dead. Centralized control by bureaucrats is the wrong solution. Free market forces can deliver what’s needed in healthcare insurance far more efficiently.

        1. Funny how the republicans nor Marko wants to claim their success. You know, like I know, Marko wanted brownie points from the republican party as he ran for president, no such luck for Marko. Now none of them want to claim the killed of the ACA. Hmmm, maybe cause too many of the constituents are having their lives saved by it, the ACA, you call ObamaCare. I will too. Obama cared enough to find a health care solution for his fellow americans, to save and improve their lives. Why didn’t you? Or Marko?

          There are certainly people that say they owe their life to ObamaCare, many of them republicans. Go figure. What about Marko’s plan? Right he has none, and for 8 years still does not have one. 8 years we paid this guy and nothing, but how to damage a plan that’s working.

        2. Not one of the plans offered in the marketplace was offered by the government. The marketplace was just that a place for the insurance companies to offer competing plans in one place. Those plans had to cover the same things some that americans could choose base on price, and reputation of the company for the most part.

          This same old lie, the government took over health care. Good grief aren’t you tired of telling that lied yet. The marketplace was nothing more than a grocery store were the managers cared about the quality of product that would be offered.

        3. You are going to hate what donald comes up with. Oh yeah, you have never been to the marketplace site, it’s easy to tell. If you had you couldn’t continue lying to yourself, or hell maybe you just live in texas.

    1. I agree, botty. U.S. corporate tax policy needs to strike a balance across a number of factors. But the status quo is clearly bad. However, the only thing worse than a steady, poor business policy is inconsistent policy. Companies desire long term stability in order to drive their investment and hiring strategies. Don’t take the easy way out with a “one-time” offshore profits repatriation approach. Deal with the difficulty of practical tax reform – not just for corporations, but across the board. Because changes to corporate tax policies will impact revenues and taxation distribution across the board.

  3. Then there’s the lack of people in this country who have the qualifications to work at such a factory. China has lots of them. Many high tech companies hire from China or India or Israel because those are the countries with educational systems that create capable people. This country is fixated on making more executives, lawyers and financial managers, not people with practical scientific skills. American companies frequently have to provide extra schooling if they want to hire someone in this country. Cheaper to import somebody from overseas and get them on the road to citizenship.

    So good luck with bringing factories back. If Foxconn actually opens one here just watch how many of the upper management will come from China.

      1. I have high regard for the ingenuity of our country but I’m not ignorant of the reality. I have acquaintances in IBM and other very cutting edge technology firms and they all complain about the poor qualifications coming out of all US schools. Some companies go directly to specific colleges and find potential employees in the student population and get them the classes they need to be functioning workers. Of course there are strings attached but that’s a worthwhile tradeoff for the student and the companies. Can we return manufacturing to these shores, of course, but it will take time to get rolling. Do you remember when the same call happened in the early 1980’s under Reagan? Didn’t work out so well for a variety of reasons, unions, lack of qualified work force, but mostly economics. Nothing can be made as cheap here as overseas.

        We don’t value these jobs as a society, we only value desk jobs. Everybody wants to be an executive and wear an expensive tie. This happens in other countries as well. Japan has the same problem, nobody wants to work an assembly line as they did for decades after the war. They feel it’s now beneath them. It’s happening in China as well. Look at how all the oil countries import people for labor they feel is beneath them. This is what makes the problem so hard to solve. Our colleges manufacture desk executives not skilled craftsmen.

    1. People can be trained. The qualifications to work in a factory are much less prohibitive than those of a lawyer or CEO. There is no reason why such wealthy companies can’t shell out a little more to do that.

      1. Or course they can and many wealthy companies do that however it’s cheaper to green card somebody, from India or another country with good education, for research and middle management positions than pay for an education here. They are eager to work and don’t come with the privileged attitudes of many students here. I am not only talking about manual labor jobs but the next step up as well. These are positions this country is lacking in expertise for in many industries now thriving overseas.

  4. Where can Apple supplier build a factory in US which uses 50K employees and expect them to get to work on time every day. Once you find a location, the acquisition. permitting, construction, outfitting and training will take minimum 4 years.

  5. There’s love for one’s country and then there’s flag hugging love for ones country. They aren’t the same. One is vehemently more creepy.

    But sometimes you let love get in the way of doing hr right thing. Some people who love very much, can’t help but cheat others and themselves.

    1. There’s a whole spectrum of that, love for the country, flag hunting, stars and skid marks and if you shove it just a bit more you can see the star shine come out of the eyes. The latter makes a great Christmas ornament.

      1. The red stripes in the American Flag are the bloody bandages of wounded soldiers. Maybe they were mercenaries, Hessians. Maybe they were uneducated Georgia farm boys, or Massachusetts bluebloods seeking glory, or Iroquois suspicious of English kings. The white stripes are the swaddling cloths of a birthing nation, the purity of the nursing profession. White stars on a field of blue represent the firmament of social order, just as the night sky represents the natural order on a grand scale.

        Sometimes, at midnight, I walk outside to the wooden deck and take in a lungful of wood smoke and night air, and look up at the tree branches rustling in the cold wind. I hear the scratching of nocturnal animals and the cooing of turtle doves. I feel kinship, peace. I only wish you were beside me, the calm before the storm, the stars our destination.

  6. The time to move the manufacturing lines to the US is when a clean graphene process replaces silicon. The supply chain does not exist in the US for JIT and would require warehousing the parts adding cost to the supply chain. If Foxconn does open an assembly line in the US, it will be automated and will not create enough jobs to make a difference.

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