President-elect Trump named TIME’s Person of the Year; tells Apple CEO Cook: ‘It’s my ambition to get Apple to build a great plant, your biggest and your best’

President-elect Donald Trump has been named “Person of the Year” by TIME Magazine, the 90th installment of what was originally called “Man of the Year” until 1999.

In her piece explaining TIME’s choice, Nancy Gibbs writes, “We can scarcely grasp what our generation has wrought by putting a supercomputer into all of our hands, all of the time. If you are reading this, whether on a page or a screen, there is a very good chance that you are caught up in a revolution that may have started with enticing gadgets but has now reshaped everything about how we live, love, work, play, shop, share—how our very hearts and minds encounter the world around us. Why would we have imagined that our national conversation would simply go on as before, same people, same promises, same patterns? Perhaps the President-elect will stop tweeting—but only because he will have found some other means to tell the story he wants to tell directly to the audience that wants to hear it.”

MacDailyNews Take: Thanks to Steve Jobs, by the way, who never was named TIME’s Person of the Year, even though he had a much greater influence than many of those chosen in prior years.

During TIME’s Person of the Year interview, President-elect Trump mentioned Apple Inc. and Apple’s CEO Tim Cook by name:

I said to Tim Cook, it’s my ambition to get Apple to build a great plant, your biggest and your best, even if it’s only a foot by a foot bigger than some place in China. — U.S. President-elect Donald Trump

TIME Magazine's Person of the Year, President-elect Donald Trump

In the TIME Person of the Year Reader’s Poll, Apple CEO Tim Cook received 1% of the vote, tied with the likes of James Comey, Colin Kaepernick, and Megyn Kelly.

MacDailyNews Take: More American-made Apple products on the way?

Apple supplier Foxconn eyes U.S. expansion as U.S. President-elect Trump woos Asian firms – December 7, 2016
Softbank to invest $50 billion in the U.S., create 50,000 new tech jobs after meeting with President-elect Trump – and Apple supplier Foxconn is in on the deal – December 6, 2016
President-elect Trump invites tech leaders to roundtable in Manhattan next week – December 6, 2016
President-elect Trump meets with Apple board member Al Gore at Trump Tower in Manhattan – December 5, 2016
President-elect Trump tells Apple CEO Tim Cook that he’d like to see Apple make products in the U.S. – November 23, 2016
President-elect Trump says Apple CEO Tim Cook called him after election victory – November 22, 2016
Apple could make iPhones in the U.S.A. under President Trump, sources say – November 17, 2016
Japan’s Softbank just became one of Apple’s most important suppliers – July 18, 2016
TIME Magazine Person of the Year 2012 Runner-Up: Apple CEO Tim Cook – December 19, 2012
Steve Jobs snubbed as TIME Magazine announces ‘The Protester’ as Person of the Year – December 14, 2011
Mark Zuckerberg deserves to be TIME Magazine’s ‘Person of the Year,’ but Steve Jobs never has? – December 16, 2010
Why Steve Jobs will again not be named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year – November 15, 2010


    1. Really?

      Are you are truly an AMERICAN?

      If so, then how could you ever honour a man who disrespects service men/women such as he did Senator John McCain as such by saying, and I quote: “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured? I like people who weren’t captured.”

      I gather McCain will or would never be invited to his table. Or for that matter, the likes of such notable Americans, e.g., Andrew Jackson, James Stockdale, Kurt Vonnegut, Jonathan Wainwright, George Washington…

      Or James Robinson Risner, Everett Alvarez, Jr. , Pappy Boyington, Frank Buckles, George Thomas Coker, Dieter Dengler, Jeremiah Denton, Tom Greenway, Bob Hoover, Charles R. Jackson, Harold K. Johnson, Jessica Lynch, Keith Matthew Maupin, Charles Cardwell McCabe, James N. Rowe, William Stacy, Floyd James Thompson, D. C. Wimberly, Louis Zamperini.

      Or even Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle

      Or the more than 140,000 Americans POWs, of which 17,000 died in captivity, since 1917.


        1. I clearly should have stated…”will, would never, would never have,…”

          AM I to gather that you condone his position, i.e., for him to like you, you better not be one of those who have been held hostage and didn’t fight back to the death like his recent nom For HUD Secretary proclaims.


    2. “The annual cover on which the magazine recognises the person who “for better or for worse … has done the most to influence the events of the year” pictures the president-elect in his New York tower with the headline, Donald Trump: President of the Divided States of America.

      How does Donald Trump’s private jet match up to Air Force One?
      The editor-in-chief of Time, Nancy Gibbs, wrote in the issue: “So which is it this year: better or worse? The challenge for Donald Trump is how profoundly the country disagrees about the answer.

      “It’s hard to measure the scale of his disruption … For reminding America that demagoguery feeds on despair and that truth is only as powerful as the trust in those who speak it, for empowering a hidden electorate by mainstreaming its furies and live-streaming its fears, and for framing tomorrow’s political culture by demolishing yesterday’s, Donald Trump is Time’s 2016 person of the year.”

      Classic backhanded citation for the agent orange man_child.
      It’s going to be interesting watching the dawn of reality in Trumpworld. Promise like a champ, deliver like a chump.

    3. Really was there any other choice? Other than maybe Hitler and Ayatollah Khomeini, I’m not sure anyone else has been selected by such an overwhelming margin.

      Note: I don’t mean to compare Trump directly to those two, just that they were obvious choices for POTY.

      1. “Person of the Year 2008
        Barack Obama
        In one of the craziest elections in American history, Barack Obama overcame a lack of experience, a funny name, two candidates who are political institutions and the racial divide to become the 44th President of the United States.”

        Time Magazine sure does like the word “divide.”

  1. The media bubble!! You still don’t get it or listen!! Just who do you think ‘divided’ America to make his election possible? America is waking up to the ‘media bubble’ propaganda. We want real, honest news reporting!! Not the kind that TIME (with your letter M) puts out! The ‘time’ is right for a real non-biased news magazine to start up. It’s coming! You’ll need some more safety pins, diapers and play dough!!

  2. Trump was elected by the most ignorant and despicable casualties in this country. He actually lost, though, and the racist, homophobic, bottom of the barrel rightwingnuts are in for a rude awakening when they too get stabbed in the back. Divided?!? More like pulverized into waste.

    1. The division of America sells news much better than some landslide victory. On both sides (although, if we look at data, one side had much greater appetite for fake news than the other; perhaps it had something to do with the average level of education).

      Most prominent things Trump has been promoting these days seem to be very progressive and liberal (tariffs for Chinese goods, subsidies for domestic workforce, large infrastructure projects, etc). While mainstream republicans mostly supported him (riding the elections along), once he takes office, I wouldn’t be surprised if they push vigorously back on the ideas that are usually fundamentally against the conservative dogma. And if Trump continues to act without much regard for the Washington establishment, I won’t be surprised if they ended up getting rid of him and installing Pence instead. There are millions of strong arguments they could use if they wanted to impeach him, that wouldn’t be an issue. It is just the matter of whether they want to be dogmatic conservatives (as they had been for the past eight years), or if they don’t really care for the agenda, as long as they control the power.

    2. It is angry hateful ignorance and bigotry like yours that has kept people apart, not anyone like Trump.
      Anytime I see some fool online spouting the same asinine bilge I just laugh. You apparently didn’t watch a single Trump speech did you?
      It is bottom of the barrel leftists that have kept this country from being great for at least 30 years now.
      And guess what, you deadweights are no longer in charge.
      That tired hate speech that you have been vomiting for the last year didn’t work, did it?
      Suck it up buttercup.

      1. Well, not quite; at least, not anymore.

        There were times when one or the other political party would win in a landslide. There were also times when lawmakers would pass laws with a large, even overwhelming majority, when the bills were the result of bi-partisan effort, negotiation and compromise.

        Today, it happens quite regularly, that the bill with the same substance that was rejected by the house earlier ends up passing months later, and the only difference is who originally submitted it (one side or the other). With consistent regularity, lawmakers vote in favour of the exact things they have earlier voted against, only because they are now in a bill that was submitted by their own party.

        American lawmakers no longer represent issues: they strictly represent their parties (and, to some extent, underlining ideologies). Glaring example is the most recent election. Out of an ocean of presidential candidates, Republicans picked the one with the highest percentage of obviously liberal, progressive issues in his platform:

        Support for health insurance mandate
        Support for marriage equality
        Support for protectionist subsidies for domestic manufacturing
        Support for large public infrastructure projects
        Support for government-sponsored maternal leave
        Support for heavy tariffs against Chinese imports

        Typical conservative platform of decades past loudly rejects every single one of the above; yet, among more than dozen candidates who were quite vocal on the above (and many other) conservative issues, the one that is going to the Oval Office (and whom most supported very vocally) is the most liberal of them.

        1. He most certainly does. He said it on many times. For the people who elected him, he did, during the campaign, frequently trow the read meat of repealing Obamacare as one of the top priorities. However, right after the election, he went right back on that, declaring that he won’t rip it out completely, but instead keep the “good parts” of it. When all was said and done, it sounded like he didn’t really intend to change much, if any of it.

          What congress and senate will do is an entirely different thing. There are too many lawmakers there who simply don’t care about the 20+ millions of Americans who would immediately lose their health insurance if Obamacare is repealed outright; they will go at it with vengeance, simply because it was Obama’s brightest legacy.

          People from outside America (as well as more than half of American population itself) can’t figure out why is America held hostage by these special interests and can’t seem to bring itself to adopting a single-payer universal mandate. It is unfathomable how a country like Cuba, spending about 5% of what Americans spend per capita on health, has, by almost all statistical measures, better health care for its population than America, where too many people still die form easily preventable causes.

    3. auramac: That rancid little diatribe proved that *YOU* are the problem, not us:-
      Every member of my family but one voted Trump. All have college degrees, not one is a loser or a criminal or a racist, and neither are any of our friends who also voted for him.
      In our street are people from all over the world, we all get along just fine. Actually, now that I think about it, I don’t know *anyone* that is a racist.

      So let me ask you:
      1. Who rioted after this election, causing tens of thousands of dollars of damage?
      2. How many racist “rightwingnuts” rioted after Nobama got elected???
      3. We put our kids in private school because the schools in our area are appalling. Who has been in charge of public schools in America for decades?
      4. How is securing our borders evidence of Trump’s ‘racism’ when only illegals will be affected?
      5. How many terrorist attacks will it take before you stop pandering to Islamist extremists?

      Do us all a favor, grow up.
      Your idiotic name calling got you nowhere during the election, and it will get you nowhere now.

      1. Most of your points are quite valid, and auramac‘s rant was clearly the epitome of the divisive language spewed throughout the campaign.

        As for riots, protests or damage, you seem to have a very short memory (or you may be too young to remember what happened eight years ago). There was a significant spike in hate crimes (beatings of black men), arson of houses belonging to blacks, as well as their churches. I don’t know what was the total value in damage, but it was much more than tens of thousands of dollars. Americans love to riot; both right- and left-wing ones.

        As for pandering, I’m not sure where you’re getting that; it wasn’t in his original message, nor can it be seen anywhere else, in anyone’s political platform or action. That one seems to have come straight our of Breitbart news, and we know how accurate that site is…

        Again, idiotic name calling forfeited any right to argue anything. However, it didn’t automatically provide blanket approval to every subsequent response.

  3. “It appears (to me) to portray Trump’s attitude toward the press, that it’s looking over his shoulder and he’s pissed about it.”

    Astute observation. I believe you are correct.

    “Wrong guy for the wrong job.”

    Are you serious? The guy is the populist president and TOTAL Washington OUTSIDER beholden to no one except the average downtrodden taxpayer.

    Exactly the medicine the beltway and K Street crowd need to swallow. Finally, a businessman in office! Great things are coming and I don’t blame you for not seeing it. No one in the media, pollsters, or pro PR profession correctly predicted the outcome.

    Trump has defied the odds time and time again and come out on top. He is a shrewd genius … 🤗

    1. I think you were hoodwinked by a master demagogue.

      The signals that nothing will change are right there. The people he has invited into the cabinet are the epitome of the Washington Establishment, and particularly the K Street.

      Trump is beholden to Trump the brand, and Trump the business. And by extension, to those who helped his business and his election. While those who elected him genuinely believe he cares about them, the fact remains that Trump cares not single bit about the little people who ride buses and trains to work.

      I am pretty sure I’m not going to be the one to convince you of this. I am also quite sure that you’ll see it for yourself fairly soon.

      Just look at the Carrier AC plant fiasco in Indiana. The Union leader has incurred Trumps twitter wrath for calling him on the jobs that he supposedly saved there (and the ones that have been replaced by robots, and the other plant next door that IS in fact moving to Mexico…).

        1. Usually, they don’t. I’m sure this one never did. But that’s not really relevant here. What he said was that Trump was lying.

          Trump is on a “thank you” tour, specifically taking credit for saving 1,100 jobs at Carrier in Indiana.

          Facts, that the union leader called him on, are that Carrier agreed to keep 800 jobs, in return for tax breaks and other incentives. Meanwhile, 700 jobs are still leaving to Monterrey, Mexico.

          So, it is no 1,100 but 800. This is the story of Trump’s life: for every single achievement of his, he inflates the numbers. His personal wealth: $8 billion accoridg to him, more like $3-4 billion according to people who know this. His 90-story residential tower in Manhattan? Actually, it only has 70 floors. His original Trump Tower on 5th Avenue has 68 floors according to Trump (and the marketing material), but the city records show a 58-floor building in that place. Trump SoHo has 42 floors, but elevators go to 46. Trump Place on the west side: 31 floors (elevators go to 41st floor)…. and so on, and so on… What does he need to prove?? Is there really a difference between 42 and 46 floors that you have to stretch the truth?? It is one thing to skip 13th floor (for the superstitious fools), but making up 10 non-existent floors is just ridiculous.

        2. That may well be so (just as are you, and the Republican party), but that’s really not the point of our discussion here.

          What I’m arguing, and what you aren’t really disputing with any meaningful information, is that Trump lies by exaggeration (his own term for it is “truthful hyperbole”). What’s troubling is that there doesn’t seem to be any reason for him to lie. Why say 1,100 jobs, when he could have said the truth (800)? Especially when that lie is so easily verifiable.

          What does it say about a person who consistently exaggerates anything and everything he does? I’m sure psychologists would find plenty of answers for that, but to an ordinary person of average intelligence, it seems like he has this constant need to prove to himself and others that he is better than he actually is.

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