Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton should be jailed over deleting 33,000 emails after Congressional subpoena

“It started with tense smiles, but Sunday’s presidential debate soon descended into talk of serving hard time,” Claire Reilly reports for CNET. “Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump didn’t pull his punches in the town hall-style debate, calling out Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and saying the democratic nominee would ‘be in jail’ if he was running the country.”

“‘If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lies or so much deception, there has never been anything like it…the people of this country are furious,’ Trump said at the debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. ‘After getting the subpoena, you delete 33,000 emails. And then you acid washed them,'” Reilly reports. “Clinton called the Republican candidate out for his ‘”false’ comments. ‘It is just awfully good that someone with the template of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country,’ she said. Trump’s response? ‘Because you would be in jail.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We assume by “acid wash” (see: late 1980s jeans), Trump meant “BleachBit” which is free software for BlackBerry, email servers, Linux, macOS (OS X), and Windows. More information about how to securely and irrevocably delete those damning emails about your yoga routines here:

Hillary Clinton first used an Apple Power Mac for private email server in basement – September 2, 2016
New evidence suggests DNC hackers penetrated deeper than previously thought – July 25, 2016

[Thanks to MacDailyNews readers too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]


    1. Even worse is this:

      Sept. 11, 2012:
      In her first public statement, Hillary Clinton referred to a YouTube video caused the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks, but made no mention of terrorists or a terrorist attack. An hour later, she sent an email to her daughter, Chelsea, that made no reference to the video, and blamed “an al Qaeda-like group.”

      Sept. 12, 2012:
      Clinton calls then Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil and tells him, “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack — not a protest.”

      Sept. 14, 2012:
      Clinton lies in the face of Patricia Smith, whose son Sean Smith was killed in the attack, telling her a YouTube video was responsible. Other Benghazi victims’ family members say Clinton mentioned a video in their meeting, even though she knew it didn’t cause the attack. Charles Woods, father of CIA operative Tyrone Woods who was killed in the attack, said Clinton said to him, “We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”

      Clinton and Obama lied because the debacle threatened Obama’s re-election less than two months later.

      Why I’m voting for Trump:
      That’s why I’ll vote for a rough anti-establishment outsider who engaged in some locker-room banter (as has every red-blooded heterosexual American male who ever lived) over Crooked Hillary.

      Dem/Lib/Prog hypocrisy:
      The left feigns outrage over the very type of talk they put in their movies and music to sell to Americans every damn day of the week.

      1. Interesting. That jackass trump is right, he could kill somebody and his supporters would still support him.Trump in his own words admits to sexually assaulting women, and you want him to be president. He admits to having affairs and trying to get a married women to have an affair with him. Like a kid he points to all the others that have done what he does, and like a grown up I’ll tell you and him, they are wrong too.

        This guy, if in the military, would be arrested for treason. He tells a foreign power to interrupt a Presidential election by stealing data. He is like many of his supporters, not knowledgeable about the country in which they live. Many of his supporters get by on the stories told to them when in elementary school, and that’s their understanding of America. Most lie and say they have read the constitution, but the truth is they have not and if they would have read it, they would not agree with it. How do I know that? By what they advocate for.

        Thieving Trump. This guy is a lier, he is a thief, he is a crook, he is a racist, he is a bigot, he is a dead beat, and I guess those qualities are what makes america great, at least to those that support him. Birds of a feather flock together.

        All I can hope is that greater percentage of americans don’t want to be associate with that silly rich kid having things has way spoiled jackass. He calls Mrs. Clinton an enabler, I guess his wives are enablers as well. After this is over, he will be looking for wife number 4, another foreigner I’m sure. The fact that a person takes the vows of marriage seriously is something trump and the flock will never understand. “… for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness and in health, till death …”, those words mean nothing to trump, and a church service standing before God, making that promise means even less. What was thought behind bringing out women that accuse bill? bill is not running for president, and if bill clinton told him something in confidence that ass can’t be trusted to keep his mouth shut about something told to him in private.You want to give this fool the countries secrets. What the HELL is on your mind, emails?

        1. BOB, Thank you. You presented an articulate factual presentation which all the samsung… er trump lovers will hate big time.

          What scares the hell out of me is that 40% of the voting men in this country don’t care about facts, truth, justice, or the American way, they seem to think that being a 50’s bootlegger running whisky (and past high school football jock) is the top of the American want-to-be list.

          Maybe that is why they sell so many android semi-smart phones in this country. Good enough is the best we need. So sad. 🙁

        2. Robert was not quite accurate. For example, Trump never called for anyone to hack Clinton’s server. First of all, it long does not exist already, there is nothing to hack, second of all, Trump talked about a hypothetical case if any party hacked her server and has those electronic mails Hillary later deleted to avoid jail time, for them to be given to the FBI so they would not have excuses not to recommend prosecution of her.


          TRUMP SAID:
          “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”.

          He speaks directly to them. Clear as a bell.
          DErss no selective hearing here.

          Treason is the charge.

          How about you listen to what he says not what you wish he had said. … many more vids …

        4. facetious : That’s too big a word for you.
          blockhead: That’s more your speed.

          And, facetious he was not, not even good spin on this one.
          People can see and hear for themselves. I wonder why mod bosses don’t get away with that one in court.
          “facetious”, dude you are funny, you do have your moments.
          He was being “facetious” when he said he would have her in jail. dude you crack me up.

        5. Robert, where you see calls to hack Clinton server? The very quote you cite does not have it. If Russia (or whoever else, as Trump said) has the electronic mails, then they should find them in the dump and turn them over to the FBI.

        6. I wouldn’t say Trumps continuous fantasy’s (15% taxes without massive military and social security cuts or another $10 trillion in debt?), lies, blamery, threats, mysogony, etc., are in any way comparable to Hillary.

          Hillary is bad. Very political, and as dishonest/disingenuous as any politician has ever been. But she actually knows that governing isn’t simple and that wishful thinking is just that.

          It took someone as bad as Trump to make Hillary electable.

          And we all lose for it.

        7. … (if I’m reading your emoticons correctly) you have a good point. But, so does nevermark!
          The only way Clinton is electable is if someone like Donald is the alternative. Clearly a misogynistic bully who has cheated his way through life, a fat man who thinks he has the right to fat-shame much slimmer women, a ‘rich’ man who believes he has the right to refuse payment to poorer people who have provided him valuable services.
          Compared to THIS(!), she is electable.
          But, please, tell me which of these traits make him better than ANY tax and bill-paying adult with enough decorum to NOT get arrested for treating YOUR daughter the way he has bragged about treating women.
          I know Clinton is pretty much the bottom of the barrel, but … WHAT about Donald do you find … “admirable”?
          Tell us.

        8. It’s funny that the very impetus for the coarsening of American culture (if you can even call it that anymore) are the leftists who ushered it in. Anything goes, right, leftists? Men are women, women are men, rap music is all bitches and hos, drugs are fine… it’s all good.


          What they are doing to Trump they would do to you. They will destroy anybody who threatens the establishment. They will go to any length to keep the gravy train rolling. If Trump got elected, they’d shoot him dead.

          This country is owned by Wall Street. Wall Street owns Hillary Clinton. They need her, not Bernie. Certainly not Trump. They will do what has to be done to ensure they get the status quo.

          Whoever votes for Hillary votes for Wall Street.

          I’m fine either way, to tell you the truth. I’m already more than set for life. It would have been nice to see someone take on the establishment, though, if they could have kept him alive, which I doubt. Just look at the Kennedys who tried to buck the system for proof. Ted learned early on that playing along was a much better way to stay alive.

        9. You must not have a job. You write more words than most journalists. And, the best part is it’s all bullshit. You have no command of facts, data, personality or charisma. That guy with the orange hair embarrassed the nation in the two debates. The piece with the Bill Clinton accusers was the best part.

          Well, outside of nutjob land, all the data is indicating that Donald is sinking like a turd in a toilet after a burrito eating contest.

          Thank you, have a nice day.

        10. I live on investment income. Whatever “work” I choose to do, I do only for my pleasure.

          Whoever votes for Hillary votes for Wall Street.

          If you can’t see that by now, you’re completely blind.

        11. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for corruption and graft. If she’s not beholden to you due to your donations to her, you will see nothing for your vote. You are a mere pawn of The Man, nothing but a foolish dupe.

        12. Like him or loathe him, Trump is not a part of the political elite and he most certainly is not constrained by political correctness. When I spoke at one of his rallies in Jackson, Mississippi, I saw a fanatical gathering of his fans who want to give the Establishment a good hiding.

          Not only did JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs help to fund the Remain campaign but they increasingly give the appearance of owning a whole section of our political class. When Berlusconi was forced to resign as the Italian prime minister, he was replaced by the unelected Mario Monti, a Goldman Sachs man.

          The recently retired EU Commission president, José Manuel Barroso, now has a job with Goldman Sachs, despite being a former Maoist. This week’s Wikileaks exposé shows that Hillary Clinton has been paid good money doing speeches for Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs and the Wall Street giants. They really must like her as she told them that she wants a hemispheric common market.

          As the rich get richer and big companies dominate the global economy, voters all across the West are being left behind… I met many people at the rally in Jackson, Mississippi, who had never voted in their lives. They may produce an upset similar to Brexit. It does not matter what the opinion polls, bookmakers or markets say, because these new voters are hard to measure.

          I do not see the Brexit result in isolation. Instead, I believe we are witnessing a popular uprising against failed politics on a global scale. People want to vote for candidates with personality, faults and all. It is the same in the UK, America and much of the rest of Europe. The little people have had enough. They want change. — Nigel Farage, Chairman of the UK Independence Party, 9 October 2016

        13. “That jackass trump is right, he could kill somebody and his supporters would still support him.”

          I believe if he were to shoot someone dead on 5th avenue, at most he has a 40-45% chance of losing the support of 1 voter.

      2. I don’t know why you’re bothering. It was obvious months ago that Trump was going to implode and that Clinton would win easily. I reckon now she’s going to get a larger margin than either of Obama’s wins, and what’s more she’ll win in four years time too. Then another Dem will win, unless the GOP can deal with its enemy within and kick the Tea Party types, the Koch funded crazies, and the Bible bashing fundamentalists into check. Until then, it will NEVER field a candidate that will win, because the party is self defeating.

    2. You folks that hate Clinton and love TRUMP remind me of all the samsung and android lovers here. No thought, no evaluation, no reason… just hate one, love the other.

      I call troll to both. If you are not using real facts and just mega advertising to make your mind up, then I think you have no mind to make up..

      Loudest advertising wins… right??

        1. “I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president. Hillary is smart, tough and a very nice person, so is her husband. Bill Clinton was a great president. They are fine people. Hillary was roughed up by the media, and it was a tough campaign for her, but she’s a great trooper. Her history is far from being over.”
          Donald Trump, March 2008. ( )

          “I am a changed man.” Donald Trump, October 2016
          “As I told everyone once before, Wiener is a sick puppy who will never change-100% of perverts go back to their ways. Sadly there is no cure.” Donald Trump, July 2013. (

        2. – “Just get that fucking dog out of my way,” Hillary Clinton to Secret Service K-9 handler.

          – “Where is the God damn flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every morning at fucking sunrise”. Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day 1991.

          – “Fuck off! It’s enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day! I’m not going to talk to you, too! Just do your Goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.” Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning.”

          – “If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!” Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.

          – “Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck back away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!?” Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail.

          – “Where’s the miserable cock sucker?” (otherwise known as “Bill Clinton”) Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer.

          – “You fucking idiot” Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.

          – “Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those fucking sunglasses! We need to go back!” Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while in route to Air Force One.

          – “Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!” Hillary to Gov. Bill Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female.

        3. Wow 2014, a whole bunch of rumors and propaganda about Clinton. WOW, FOX sorta kinda news send you there???

          Now, fact check TRUMP. No rumors, just look at the nightly news about his ranting, lying, faking, etc on the evening news, live and on the air.

          OF course who believes the real news, live, or twitter live, or well you get the idea. Just ask his “piece of ass” daughter, he “would bang that”. Actual words from Trump.

          Go TRUMP, Go…….. some where else.

        4. Really? Supposed quotes from a gossip columnist, a right wing agitator whose book has been shown time and time again to be based on debunked rumours and outright falsehoods, and unsourced rumours from someone who “dishes like a catty high school girl holding forth in the lunchroom”?? THAT’S the best you can do against Trump’s own words?

          You’re just like Trump. Make up an insult, repeat it enough times, and some fools will believe you.

          What you and the Trump supporters don’t get is that he says whatever suits his own personal agenda at the time. Currently, he’s saying what he thinks people want to hear in order to vote for him. If he wins, he will deny ever saying those things once his agenda has changed.

      1. Buddy, have you ever held to Top Secret SCI clearance? I’ve you ever been trained in the consequences of “gross negligence” as defined by the Espionage Act? Nothing irrational about this. A felony is a felony. Never signed the Non-Disclosure forms when she was read out of her various programs — really! Also, you need to do some research on an “Orginating Authority.” She had the keys to the kingdom and seems to have sold it to the highest bidder. Check out how big the donations from countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Russia were to her Global Clinton Initiative while she was the “Orginating Authority” at the State Department. Oh, by the way, how much money does she now control through her various foundations and her personal wealth – all while being a mere public servant. Sickening! Was her Bleach Bit shenanigans a reflection of wiping her server down with a cloth or trying to hide her soliciting dollars from countries tied to extreme human right violations? As a side note, a Saudi royal stated his government had paid Hillary in excess of $25 million – with strings and expectations!

        1. Those “donations” to the Clinton Foundation were bribes. Want to buy U.S. uranium mines? Got to make a big donation to the Clinton Foundation first. The Russians did exactly that and Hillary got the deal approved by the State Department.

    3. The first ever black president of the USA followed
      by the first ever woman president of the USA. We
      live in a wonderful time in our history. Proud of
      Obama and Clinton. You go, girl. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    4. . Between 2003 and 2009, the Bush White House “lost” 22 million emails. This correspondence included millions of emails written during the darkest period in America’s recent history, when the Bush administration was ginning up support for what turned out to be a disastrous war in Iraq with false claims that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and, later, when it was firing U.S. attorneys for political reasons.

    5. I find your remarks, the ones I can make some sense of, grotesquely exaggerated to the point of ridiculousness, and simply hateful and grotesque.

      To quote Michelle Obama’s phrasing from yesterday, we have “Hillary’s opponent” to thank for these new lows in basic manners and civility (i.e. “class”), and the new highs in libelous, (literally) demonizing insult slinging. My only hope is that the orange, hateful male with the stupid looking hair will crash and burn without more damage to our culture and national character.

      We are better than this.

      We deserve better than this.

      1. This is same birther type rhetoric. They dig and find nothing then pretend to dig and claim something. It’s all false conspiracies. They hate not being in control and will soil their pants in front of everyone, until they get their way.

        Such childish behavior.

        1. Hillary’s campaign started the birther movement. It was Clinton’s close friend, Sidney Blumenthal, who sent the media on a “fact finding” mission to Kenya.

        2. I am going to say NO… this has Trump written all over it. At one time it was all Obama’s fault, now it’s going to be all Clinton’s fault. The GOP is toast. Dump the dregs and clean house, then come back and let’s talk. This is not Reagan’s GOP anymore. It’s become rotten and dirty. There are good guys in it, and they don’t have a chance anymore.

    1. ““‘If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there has never been so many lies or so much deception, there has never been anything like it…the people of this country are furious”

      Cool.. I say vote for KING Trump. He has to be king cause all his promises are meaningless unless he is king. A President does not have those powers and unless he is stupid, he knows it.

      So, I guess if you make a promise you know you cannot keep, its not really lying, RIGHT?? King Trump, Never lies, he just sorta fibs a bunch… But we already knew that about him, so I guess its kinda sorta ok. /s big time.

      PS, vote for Trump and Samsung, they both say they will do great things.

        1. There is a big difference between a President that won’t overlook corruption (starting with his own party) and a President who goes after political enemies.

          The first would be great. The second is a serious loss of democratic rule that is unlikely to repair itself once established.

  1. Obviously. What else can you expect from Donald Trump aside from hearsay, assumptions, and lies. He’s a gullible idiot, just like his supporters, with no critical thinking skills.

    1. Yes, Trump a poor candidate, but Hilderbeast is a lying, corrupt, treasonist thief who is directly responsible for American deaths. Only an gullible idiot would support Hilderbeast

      1. Trump is all words in his offensiveness.

        Hillary is all action – taking the money
        Killary forbids help for a dying diplomat,
        Her emails speak volumes but she won’t let anyone have them.
        Generational poverty abounds in this land, it has gotten worse for these folks in the last 8 years.
        She and Obama threatened to shut down the government if they didn’t get their way on entitlement spending and then promptly sent billions and billions to Iran.

        Actions speak louder than words.

  2. They are all fools. Dump’s a racist, and Clinton manipulated the Hawaiian community with their failed Akaka Bill, which could have helped restore the islands back to the ownership of the Native Hawaiians. God Bless The USA, because we are going to need it…a lot of it…

  3. “Trump is correct that some of Clinton’s emails were deleted by a computer technician after the House Benghazi Committee subpoenaed her for relevant records on March 4, 2015. However, Trump’s comments about Clinton deleting 33,000 messages are misleading in two respects. First, she gave the instruction to erase those messages in late 2014, before she was subpoenaed. Second, she has maintained that the messages she ordered erased were supposed to be entirely personal in nature.

    It’s unclear, though, how thorough Clinton’s lawyers were when they separated her work-related messages, which were returned to the State Department, from those that were personal, which were later destroyed. Ultimately, the FBI concluded that if any work-related messages had been deleted, “there was no intentional misconduct in connection with that sorting effort.”

      1. Fact check: She ordered the emails destroyed months before the subpoena was issued. A tech screwed-up somewhere down the line and didn’t delete them until later. BTW, the whole inquiry was a political stunt by The House Select Committee on ben-GAA-zee.

        1. If you want to wack Hillary I would be happy to caddy your golf clubs for the occasion.

          But there is no point in that unless you can actually parse what happened and be accurate. She is an easy target, stick to what actually happened and score some actual points.

        2. That doesn’t change the fact that they were subpoenaed before they were destroyed — a felony. Did the tech who deleted them know they were subpoenaed? Probably but he has pleaded the fifth amendment and was given immunity by the whitewashed FBI investigation so he will never tell.

          And the emails never should have been deleted in the first place — a violation of FOIA laws. The emails are U.S. property.

          And, this technician with no clearance should never have been able to touch a server with top secret information on it — a felony.

  4. The biggest problems with CEOs that enter politics, most highly exemplified by this boisterous buffoon (Trump if you’re Botvinik) is that they never, ever, learn that in public office the fight STARTS when they open their mouth…

  5. Trump is dead, exploded and over, so is the republikkkan party, justr like withSumscum, Karma is killing the obese fat Chauvanist pig of a human – Trump, by lwtting him dig his own grave with hateful misogynistic, gutter trash talk and the irony is that women voters will be his downfall…

    Romney has it right:

    “Hitting on married women? Condoning assault? Such vile degradations demean our wives and daughters and corrupt America’s face to the world,” Mitt Romney, the party’s last GOP presidential nominee, wrote on Twitter.

      1. Trump speaks volumes for himself and so does the tape and those to come…

        If you feel that this kind of vile spouting slimeball is fitting to represent this country as a president, you really deserve him and the worldwide repercussions…

        1. I’ve worked for politicians in the past – they all pretty much are corrupt in this respect using their office or position to get into a missionary or doggy position, in fact I think Democrats more then Republicans (I am not a Republican). I think as great a leader as JFK was he probably had these kinds of discussions in private. He certainly had dalliances and affairs.

          There is absolutely no higher moral ground any party can take these days. That’s the reality, I am merely pointing it out. I never said who I was voting for. Trying to buck human nature is disingenuous. Both men and women talk about the opposite sex in ways many people would find faux “shocking” in private. Thinking this behavior will go away or isn’t inclusive of most, well, I wish unicorns existed too.

        2. Do you think its OK for the politician in charge of diplomats to not take responsibility for it and lie to the families. Trump makes you furious with his rhetoric, but you dismiss without a whim her disallowing the diplomat protection while lying to the families that it was a video. These two separate events – one soliciting and the other complicit AND the one in charge – in allowing a diplomat to die. You seriously criticize the solicitation?

          The party that upholds partial birth abortion – i.e. head sticking out, cut its throat and you criticize solicitation 10 years ago. And not a word on what Bill Clinton did?

          Why was it OK for Bill to do it and not Trump? Why are you using this as anti Trump statement when it is OK with your candidate’s husband?

          Boy, you need a reality check.

    1. Kennedy killed a woman, Bill Clinton raped many, Hilderbeast lied, destroyed evidence, killed Americans and sold politictacal favors. Good thing they never talked trash.

      Hilderbeast supporters are f’ing morons

      1. Man, you are just completely fact-free, aren’t you? JFK killed a woman? (Ted Kennedy was never President.) Clinton was never charged with a crime, other than lying about having an affair with Monica Lewinsky; certainly never charged with rape.

        Finally, Hillary Clinton (why resort to name calling) certainly did NOT “kill Americans” and there’s ZERO EVIDENCE she sold political favors.

        1. No, he wasn’t charged, but neither was TEd. That is what money and politics are able to do. No formal charges, but the fact that he did these is the same.

          Don’t assume he is innocent just because he wasn’t charged. I lived in Arkansas for a year during the Paula years. Lives were threatened if they talked. Not a “hearsay” either. Hillarious did laugh at getting a rapist off after he raped a 10 year old. FACT.

        2. “Hilarious did laugh at getting a rapist off after he raped a 10 year old. FACT.”
          WRONG. Clinton gave a very brief laugh in an interview years later at the fact that her client (that she did not want to represent, but was given no choice by the judge) beat a lie detector test. She said that it destroyed her faith in the technology – and gave a very short “incredulous” type of laugh. Further, Clinton requested that the 12 year old (not 10) be examined by a child psychologist because there was evidence that she had previously falsely accused older men of attacking her and that she had fantasies about older men. A forensic scientist testified that the blood and semen evidence in the case wasn’t strong enough to convict. A 15 year old boy who was present at the time admitted having sex with the girl that night.
          What’s more, she didn’t “get[] a rapist off.” Everyone involved considered that the evidence wasn’t strong enough to convict him of rape. The girl’s mother wanted to take a quick deal, which the prosecutor recommended, of the guy pleading to a lesser crime.

    2. Regrettably, you are correct. The Republican party has a serious self inflicted wound.

      BUT… Every voter in America has a choice… put a misogynistic serial rapist in the White House, or vote for Trump.

  6. It seems to me that putting in Trump, Clinton, or anything Election 2016 in the headline is just another way to get cheap hits. This has more comments than the Apple post below this. Not only that, but this seems to support Trump. I hate partisan hack pieces, especially if they support a fool like him. I thought Apple users were better than that.

        1. Nah, they just gave up on your talking sense to your shilling. Either that, or they realized anyone NOT being paid to deliver the drivel you are is clearly not worth the time.

    1. Hillary supports the TPP which will raise SOPA and PIPA from the dead as the same language is included in this so-called free trade deal. The Podesta emails on Wikileaks show what she told her paymasters on Wall Strret is completely different from what she is saying publicly.
      That might be just a little important to anyone who uses the internet.

      1. She supported it when she was Sec’y of State, which was her job at the time to support administration policy. She has come out against it as a candidate.

        And you’re right, this IS important for anyone who uses the internet…

        1. The Wikileaks data shows she still supports the TPP. The change was just politically convenient to sucker some who otherwise would have voted for Bernie. Clintons lie every time their lips move.

          Take note that Shrillary will lose Arkansas, where they have known her the longest and best. Ask yourself why and it has nothing to do with Republican talking points.

  7. Ask anyone who has held or holds a high clearance that is in the military, if they did what Hillary did they would have been punished under the UCMJ- up to a Court Martial.

    The FBI whitewash is trotted out by Hillary bots but they never point out that Mr Comey serves at the pleasure of the Attorney General and the President. They would not act against a cabinet member of the boss’s administration- especially after he endorsed her.

    The State Department IG Report showed that career civil service staff (GS & SES) brought up the issue and were scolded/threatened by Clinton political appointees to shut up and not to mention it again. The meme that they didn’t know better will not wash.

    Republicans should be careful about making hay as Dubya, Deadeye Dick Cheney, Condi Rice and Colin Powell did exactly the same thing.

    What is more important are the Wikileaks emails of John Podesta that show Hillary is lying out her ass about her true positions on major issues. Meanwhile, the celebutard media concentrates on the salacious bullshit about Trump.

    Can I move to Canada now? If either becomes President we are screwed.

      1. I just looked that up through a search engine, and I have not seen any articles stating that Canada has suspended immigration from Americans. I have no idea if this is some kind of joke, or if you were thinking of another country’s immigration laws…

        1. Then you need a lesson in how to research…

          Canadian government has 3-4 immigration paths for business, investors, and high net worth immigration applicants which have ALL been suspended.

          In Addition the Canadian goverment has recently implemented a new 15% real estate tax on all froegin or American real estate purchases.

    1. Actually, you’re wrong. The law clearly states INTENT is what makes leaking classified documents a criminal act. Also, there’s zero evidence her server WAS hacked.

      And I’ve read the leaks from Podesta’s email (thank you Mr. Putin), and it says NOTHING of the kind. The worst thing she says is that you need public and private positions, which Mr. Trump would certainly agree with. You don’t start negotiations by telling the other side what your final terms are going to be.

      Finally, thank you for mentioning that this is not strictly a Hillary Clinton (or democratic) issue. Not only did Colin Powell and Condi Rice use a similar email set-up, but Dick Cheney illegally deleted 22 MILLION emails that were on the RNC servers.

      1. Nice try, but there are other rules and other laws. I held high US and NATO clearances and am quite aware of what the rules are.

        The Clintons and those before her were trying to avoid rules put in place or updated after Watergate regarding ALL- not just classified- documents and communications. Partly for history and part in case of the need for investigation, they mandate how things are handled by certain members of our government.

        Beyond that, there is the concept of “need to know” and “For Official Use Only. These not only cover documents and communications for record keeping, but in the knowledge that collecting unclassified information and adding it to other sensitive information can yield classified information.

        Ms Clinton simply thinks herself above the law- something that only applies to the rabble. You know, people like you.

        1. Seriously, if you want to slam Hillary go ahead, but making up your own reality isn’t necessary.

          The FBI is the organization that cleared her of committing a crime, while making it clear that her behavior was irresponsible.

          So by all means, state that Hillary was deemed irresponsible by the FBI. Even Hillary has publicly agreed, so I think its fair to say that is “proven”.

        2. The problem with your argument is that when intent is an element of the offense, it *IS* the function of the FBI to find evidence to support it, just as they have to find evidence for every other element of the offense. If they have no evidence of intent, they have not shown that a crime was committed. Absent sufficient evidence, there is nothing for a judge or jury to decide.

          Example 1: Man is out hunting, carefully shoots at a deer, misses, and kills somebody hidden in the bushes a mile away. The hunter is not guilty of murder. Why? Because he did not intend to harm a human being, which is part of the definition of murder. He is not guilty of manslaughter because he was not reckless (did not ignore a danger that he consciously appreciated). He is not guilty of negligent homicide because he was not negligent (did not ignore a risk that a reasonable person would have heeded). Yes, he shot somebody to death, but he cannot be convicted of a crime because there is no evidence of the requisite mental state.

          If the police want to charge someone or a prosecutor wants to try them, it is up to the Government to find and present evidence sufficient to show guilt *beyond a reasonable doubt*… including evidence of the requisite state of mind. It is not, in this country, the obligation of the accused person to DISPROVE any element of the offense.

          That applies to Secretary Clinton like it does to the hunter or anybody else. The FBI and Justice Department say that they do not have enough evidence to justify putting her through a futile Russian-style show trial without persuasive evidence of the requisite mental state. I doubt that the “put her in prison” folks have any evidence that the FBI did not.

          Example 2: You are planning to drive through the mountains, and know you need to have good brakes. You know nothing about auto mechanics, so you hire someone who comes with good references. You explain your special requirements for safety and he assures you he can do the job. After he works on your car, he assures you that the brakes are fine. You pay him, and go for an uneventful drive through the mountains. After you get back, somebody else examines the brakes and finds that your mechanic did a lousy job and you could have hurt somebody (even though there is no indication that you did). Can you be prosecuted for reckless endangerment?

          No, because there is no evidence that you knew the mechanic had done a substandard job or that you consciously appreciated the risk that the brakes might be bad. You paid him good money to do a good job and you had no reason to disbelieve that he had. It might be possible to prosecute the mechanic, (who was the actual reckless or negligent party), but not if he has already been granted immunity.

          In the actual case, the repeated claims that 33,000 emails were deleted after the congressional subpoena was issued does not make it so. The FBI Director not only said there was no proof of that, but that there was no legally sufficient proof that the deletion of the emails was done at the Secretary Clinton’s direction in anticipation of a subpoena. The Secretary’s IT guy did a cruddy job, but there is no evidence that the Secretary knew that. You (and I) may suspect otherwise, but suspicion is not proof.

          Example 3 (why this matters): In 1989, a jogger was brutally attacked in Central Park. Five juveniles (four black, one Hispanic) were arrested and convicted amid a lynch-mob atmosphere stirred up by (among others) Mr. Trump. There was no strong evidence apart from the public hysteria and some extremely suspect “confessions,” but they were nonetheless convicted and served from six to thirteen years in prison. In 2002, another man confessed to the crime and his sole guilt was confirmed by DNA (which also exonerated the boys). The Manhattan DA moved for the convictions to be dismissed. The boys sued and the City ultimately settled.

          This last week—incredibly—Mr. Trump claimed that the boys were actually guilty; he was right and the DNA was wrong. This is what happens when people think that public outrage is sufficient basis for a criminal conviction, even without adequate evidence. It is what happens in banana republics where the prosecutors and judiciary are under the thumb of El Presidente, who can simply order arrests at his political will. To me, Mr. Trump’s attacks on the independence of the Justice Department and courts are far more troubling than his sexist language.

        1. If you actually read the article you are citing, you will see that there IS a culpable mental state defined as an element of the offense criminalized by Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18), “gross negligence.” That is not just carelessness or ignorance, but (as jury instructions routinely say) “a conscious and voluntary disregard of the need to use reasonable care, which is likely to cause foreseeable grave injury or harm to persons, property, or both. It is conduct that is extreme when compared with ordinary negligence, which is a mere failure to exercise reasonable care.” Lawyers and peace officers often use “intent” as shorthand for this sort of conscious and voluntary act, even if that is not technically correct.

          Beyond that, the United States Supreme Court ruled in 1941 (Gorin v. US) and consistently since, that Section 793(f) and related provisions of the Espionage Act “are not simple prohibitions against obtaining or delivering to foreign powers information… relating to national defense [but require] intent or reason [for the defendant] to believe that the information to be obtained is to be used to the injury of the United States.” That is the intent that the FBI Director has not found sufficient evidence to prove. What evidence aside from supposition does anyone else have?

          So yes, intent was required for a felony conviction.

          None of which has anything to do with an Apple fan site.

  8. Yes, that’s always indicative of a civilized democracy (however you rate ours) when the person who wins the election throws their opponent in jail. Yeah, that’s pretty civilized.

    [Actually, even “banana” republics don’t do that much these days.]

  9. What I want to know is how she managed to get away with every scandal since Whitewater. I’m also interested in knowing the REAL connection between the Clintons and Vince Foster. While all of these issues are important…was it necessary to bring this up on an Apple site of all places? I appreciate the discussion, but there is tech news that MDN should really report on.

      1. Do you also subscribe to the belief that Vince Foster was murdered by someone aligned with the Clintons then? As well as the entire Clinton Body Count list? I’m not into conspiracy theories, but this one seems frighteningly plausible.

    1. Maybe because there was nothing actually there in the first place? While both parties have abused the investigative powers of Congress, Republican’s have used it as a political weapon of choice every time they control Congress

    2. Interesting facts:

      Fact One: (From Wikipedia) “The Senate Whitewater Committee was a special committee convened by the United States Senate during the Clinton administration to investigate the Whitewater scandal.

      The committee was created by “S.Res. 120”. (“A resolution establishing a special committee administered by the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs to conduct an investigation involving Whitewater Development Corporation, Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan Association, Capital Management Services, Inc., the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, and other related matters”) on May 17, 1995, as approved by the Senate, 96-3. The committee’s hearings ran for 300 hours over 60 sessions across 13 months, taking over 10,000 pages of testimony and 35,000 pages of depositions from almost 250 people; many of these marks were records for Senate committees. The committee issued an 800-page final majority report on June 18, 1996, concluding its activities.

      Some key figures of the Senate Whitewater Committee were:

      Al D’Amato (Republican – New York), chair
      Paul Sarbanes (Democratic – Maryland), ranking member
      Michael Chertoff – majority (Republican) counsel
      Richard Ben-Veniste – minority (Democratic) counsel

      Fact Two: Michael Chertoff, the Republican lawyer who led this massive investigation that spent millions of taxpayer dollars investigating the Clintons, and who probably knows as much about their dirty laundry as anybody on earth, last week endorsed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump for President.

  10. I couldn’t stomach more than the first 30 seconds of the debate last night. So I put on my headphones, turned down the lights and chilled out to some pleasant music.

    And then this morning I just want to read about Apple news, and the first MDM post is political, and once again the readers are at each other’s throats.

    I’m going to spend more time with my dogs.

  11. Oh look, MDN must be starving for page hits so here’s a bullshit politician clickbait article. (No I don’t give a crap if she used a Mac server for her email this isn’t Apple news.)

    1. Yeah, I would agree with the people here who would like politics off this site. We have the extreme Right and the extreme Left and everybody in between here who were smart enough to buy Apple hardware. Why don’t we just leave it at that? At least there is one issue where we’re all purple states.


  12. Then you need a kesson in how to research…

    Canadian government has 3-4 immigration paths for business, investors, and high net worth immigration applicants which have ALL been suspended.

    In Addition the Canadian goverment has recently implemented a new 15% real estate tax on all froegin or American real estate purchases.

  13. This is clearly the most obvious MDN click-bait (children need new shoes…), since we all know that there will be 100s of responses here (which brings plenty multiple-time eyeballs, which translates to add dollars).

    So I’ll bite (just this once, though).

    With the most bizarre election in the history of the US, as well as (most likely) the western world, it is clear that the American conservatives now need to shift focus to salvaging the (re)election campaigns for the Senate (not likely) and the Congress (now in jeopardy as well). The traditionally accurate forecasting sites (FiveThirdyEight, Upshot) give Trump less than 20% chance of winning. While this election is nothing like prior ones, there seems to be enough of a distracting material (with apparently plenty more to come) to sink it for him over the remaining four weeks. Let us not forget; for the remaining undecided folks, sex always sells much better than some dry stuff about policy, e-mails, money deals and such. In other words, it is much easier to get outraged at lewd conduct (see Bill Clinton, Wiener, Craig, etc) than about some embezzling, tax evasion, evidence tampering etc.

    The most fascinating part about this election is that the American political landscape has now been so deeply divided that there are two groups that will never ever talk to each other again over anything. In the decades past, when the media was mostly mainstream (and responsible), you could easily see a landslide victory (for one or the other side), because people looked at candidates, their issues and made up their minds. Today, when you are a progressive liberal, you will vote for a Democrat, even if they nominate Bugs Bunny. If you are conservative, you will vote for a Republican, even if they nominate Mickey Mouse. Your country is ideologically split so far that no proper cognitive thinking is used when voters evaluate their candidates. Evangelical Christians are willing to accept a man who is morally so abhorrent that they can’t allow their children to watch the debate. Progressive liberals are ready to vote for a person who took contributions from the most destructive forces that almost obliterated the world’s entire economy.

    The outcome of the presidential election this year is fairly clear at this point. Its consequences will likely be broad (definitive liberal shift of SCOTUS, preservation of Obamacare, environmental controls, tightening of gun control, etc), but the biggest damage will be to the Republican party. Keep in mind, the Republicans already knew what they need to do in order to avoid the repeat of 2012 (“Growth and Opportunity Project”, a.k.a. the “Autopsy” report), but rather than broadening the tent, they went for energizing the ever-shrinking base. This year, the party is effectively split in half between the very narrow base (behind Trump) and the mainstream conservatives (Ryan, Priebus, the Bushes, Romney, McCaine, McConnell, etc), which can effective split the conservative voting for senate (and perhaps even the house). Most projections see the senate flipping, but they also indicate moderate chance of enough seats changing in the house to give the democrats an edge there as well. With the massive amounts of money available to them and four weeks to execute, a trifecta isn’t out of the question.

    In the end, the elections may be beneficial for the Republicans, as they will get a chance from finally learning form their past mistakes (lesson they failed to learn after 2012, apparently). Unfortunately, there won’t be such a chance for the Democrats. The conclusion will likely be that winning strategy works, and we may well expect them to double down in the coming years.

    I have no doubt that America will survive all this, but it is truly fascinating to watch from the sidelines what you are doing to yourselves.

    1. I want to be very clear about why I’m voting for Trump:

      Clinton and Obama lied about the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks because the debacle threatened Obama’s re-election less than two months later. Clinton lied directly to the families of the victims, blaming a YouTube video when it is proven that she knew otherwise.

      That’s why I’ll vote for a rough anti-establishment outsider who engaged in some locker-room banter (as has every red-blooded heterosexual American male who ever lived) over Crooked Hillary.

      Dem/Lib/Prog hypocrisy:
      The left feigns outrage over the very type of talk they put in their movies and music to sell to Americans every damn day of the week.

      1. “The left feigns outrage over the very type of talk they put in their movies and music to sell to Americans every damn day of the week.”

        No. The left, about 40 of the top republicans, and anyone with any sense of decency is outraged that the GOP candidate for the office of POTUS actually boasts about sexually assaulting women.

      2. First – Yes, because there’s absolutely no difference between dialogue in a movie and the behavior we expect from our President. Not that rational argument will have any affect on someone who clearly hates Hillary Clinton so much…

  14. Only 9% of Americans voted for either Clinton or Trump. 88 million eligible adults don’t vote at all and an additional 73 million don’t participate in the primaries. This leaves only 60 million who participate in the primaries, appx 30 million dem and 30 million rep. 15 million of those voted for another candidate.

    The time to engage in the political process was 12 months ago when the parties were picking their candidates. Because of apathy and general disinterest the my loud and controversial figures are now our nominees.

    But for me a vote is a sacred thing. It is a statement of who I am and the vision I have for my future. Any thoughtful vote based on an individuals principles is not a wasted vote.

    Vote your conscience.

  15. Your comments, seemingly in support of America’s worldwide disgrace named Trump, do not belong on this website. But then it’s your website, so do as you will. I had thought your website was for tech, especially as it relates to Apple. Now I see it is also for right wing (alt) propaganda. So long, DMN.

    1. He promised no such thing. Why do you Clinton personality worshippers keep lying for her?
      Trump said he would appoint a special prosecutor. She will get her date in court. She will be afforded all rights that the Constitution gives her.

    1. Yes, you are likely correct – although this is certainly not a typical election.


      What they are doing to Trump they would do to you. They will destroy anybody who threatens the establishment. They will go to any length to keep the gravy train rolling. If Trump got elected, they’d shoot him dead.

      This country is owned by Wall Street. Wall Street owns Hillary Clinton. They need her, not Bernie. Certainly not Trump. They will do what has to be done to ensure they get the status quo.

      Whoever votes for Hillary votes for Wall Street.

      I’m fine either way, to tell you the truth. I’m already more than set for life. It would have been nice to see someone take on the establishment, though, if they could have kept him alive, which I doubt. Just look at the Kennedys who tried to buck the system for proof. Ted learned early on that playing along was a much better way to stay alive.

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