Apple Retail Stores to transition from plastic to paper bags

“Apple looks to be bringing its environmental focus to its retail stores,” Chance Miller reports for 9to5Mac.

“In a note sent to retail employees and obtained by 9to5Mac, Apple has announced that it will be moving away from the iconic plastic drawstring Apple Store bags in favor of new paper bags made out of 80 percent recycled materials,” Miller reports. “In the note, Apple says that the change will occur on April 15th, but adds that if stores still have plastic bags in stock, they should use those first before switching exclusively to the new paper bags. ”

“Apple also tells employees to first ask if the customer would like a bag before giving them one, again looking to limit the number bags that it uses to begin with,” Miller reports. “The new bags are said to come in medium and large sizes.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: Learn more about Apple’s environmental projects here:

Apple’s strong commitment to the environment sets a powerful example for other companies – May 15, 2015
Greenpeace: Apple is tech’s greenest – May 15, 2015
Apple expands renewable energy, new environmental initiatives in China – May 10, 2015
Apple releases 2014 Environmental Responsibility Report; targets rising water use, production partners’ emissions – July 10, 2014
How Apple took the lead on the environment – February 22, 2012


    1. You are confusing political correctness with sustainability.

      The one deals with social interactions (offending others); the other with ability to continue to live on this planet without completely depleting its natural resources.

      1. Why do those 1%’ers in Hollywood and the Politicos and we know who they are, the ones that kowtow to the Global Warming, Climate Change, Save the Environment… you name the cause and you’ll find the usual suspects, WHY, do they ever hardly lead by example for “sustainability” sake? That is the offending part you discussed. That and when they disregard the facts that don’t bear out and continue to push their mantra, yeah, that creates friction to some.

        1. MDN, your app simply sucks. Or perhaps it’s not optimized for an iPhone? What a joke. What I meant to reply was:

          The facts do not bear out on what plastic is doing to the environment? For example, to our oceans? Fools deny science.

        2. His argument needs an update. First off, a majority of “environmentalists” are not concerned about the earth for earths sake, they are concerned about the earth for humans sake. And yeah, humans are destructive enough to blow the planet to smithereens. In the past 100 years we learned how to detonate a 15 megaton bomb, which is over 500 times more powerful than what we did in Japan. Don’t you think if we persist with out technology we could do a good amount of damage to all life on earth; if not blow it up completely. And that 25 species lost a day…might want to make that now 150 – 200 species a day. Oh and the “save the bees part,” yeah I wanna save the bees because they are the reason so many plants reproduce. There is a workforce in China that is doing manual labor of pollinating just to see what it would take to do the job that bees do. So instead of quoting a comedian about earth science, why don’t you find a geologist, or a biologist, or a Meteorologist…someone that knows a bit more than a comedians perspective on the world.

    2. You will stay an apprentice forever if you don’t
      understand the question of sustainability and stewardship of the planet. It’s not your little playground to shit all over

  1. A close look at the facts and figures promoting paper bags over plastic bags reveals shaky science, improbable statistics and a 3x larger carbon footprint to defend the case for a mostly aesthetic, symbolic act of conservation.

    However, this falls directly in line with the direction Tim Cook has been taking Apple.

  2. Apple is making great progresses in sustain a billy. I would like to see Aple go one step farther and sell option to replace IPad with a paper version.

    Litle known fact: a iPad that is continually plugged in uses as much energy per year as a reef ridge orator. So, paper alternative would cut back on carbonn.

      1. The link is about IPhone but the iPad is about 6 times the size of the IPhone.

        Think about dat. U R using pretty much 6 rerfidegators Worth of energy just to have a tablit computer. That is terrible for the environment.

        You have to pic a side: enviromental rspesibonsiluty, or digital convenience. But u can’t have Both.

        1. Yeah, I don’t get what point your getting at. This just means that refrigerators are getting good on energy. Those data centers linked in the article are soon going to have solar panels put on top of their roof, i.e. apple and tesla, others will fall suit soon enough. I get what your saying that environmentalists are hypocritical on doing one thing and not the other…but honestly you look at it way to totalitarian. If we all made attempts to lower our output on the environment than we would all be helping. You can eat less meat, you can drive an electric car, you can put solar panels on your roof, you can walk to work, you can recycle, you can always use paper instead of plastic, you can plant your own food instead of grocery shop, you can run power saving on your computers at work…..the list just goes on from there. Even doing only 2 of those things will help the world out. And to have a phone or tablet that can help you learn or educate you on the things you can do might just negate the power used by that phone/tablet.

        2. Seriously, your data is entirely incorrect. Six refrigerators? Seriously, please tell me you did not attend college, because you clearly cannot differentiate the truth from an April fool’s gag.

        3. No it is proven fact that iPaid uses more than 7 times the energy of raferdrigators under normal use. Heavy streamin vids double that number to 10. Stunning what that does to the enviroment and polar ice capes.

  3. Over the past few years a lot of European countries (and elsewhere in the world) have passed legislation to discourage the use of “single use plastic bags”. In the UK for example Apple must charge 5p to the customer for a bag (Apple are not allowed to simply absorb the cost themselves, they have to ask the customer if they want to pay for a bag). Whether you’re an American climate change sceptic or not, plastic bags take a much longer time to biodegrade, they damage wildlife and they are often simply not needed. The use of bags in Wales where the same scheme began 3 years ago has led to a 79% decrease in the use of plastic bags. People get used to not being given bags very quickly; you just take a proper bag with you when you go shopping. Apple is simply responding to trends in legislation outside the US.

  4. When a plastic bag gets into a body of water, it remains a plastic bag for thousands of years. But when a paper bag gets into a body of water, it turns to dirt within a few days. That’s what this is about. Plastic bags are choking our rivers, lakes and streams and junking up the ocean. They also get into storm drains and sewer systems, clog them and cost millions in labor every year to fix the problems they cause. Not to mention how they junk up our parking lots and roadsides. Good riddance, plastic shopping bags. You won’t be missed.

    1. Agreed! I hate those damn things. You see them stuck in bushes and trees, and they are hazardous to animals. They need to eliminate a lot of plastic packaging also, like those friggin’ clamshells.

    2. This is true. But like the plastic bag bans which are not implemented at a 100% level, that will never be solved. What the plastic bag bans really do are become cash cows for supermarkets that now sell paper bags. Just more inconvenience for people. IF you really want to be effective, you must ban all plastic bags used anywhere for everything.

    1. With the minimal amount of paper that our society consumes these days, I believe you are quite wrong. My guess is that we generate enough pulp product from lumber production to take care of a great deal of our paper needs. And by the way, who in the heck takes their trash to a waste incineration plant? I would sure hate to live in a place like that.

      1. ” … who in the heck takes their trash to a waste incineration plant?”

        Waste doesn’t simply vanish as soon as it’s collected from your house, it gets taken to an incinerator by the guys who drive the trucks full of rubbish. Except in backward countries where waste is still dumped into holes in the ground.

      2. Waste incineration plants are also known as electricity generation plants on my island. All our non-recycled trash goes to them. We get all our power from them. Seems a pretty good way to deal with a problem, and generate cheap electricity. You prefer burying it in the ground?

        1. Yes, that’s exactly right. Round here incinerators are sometimes referred to as an EfW facility ( Energy from Waste ). It’s a combined heat & power system, which makes it much more efficient than power generating alone.

          Most waste is sorted to remove whatever can be recycled ( 57% of it is recycled round here ) and what’s left get’s burnt to generate electricity and create heat for local premises. Each year my local incinerator burns 300,000 tons of waste to produce 180,000 MWH of electricity, which is enough to power about 25,000 homes. The heat is sold to local businesses and hospitals where demand is greater and less seasonal than domestic users.

        2. I’m not sure what Island you are from, but here in the United States burning trash at such a mass scale is called air pollution. And rightfully so. Perhaps your Magic Island has an air filter for removing the noxious fumes of burning plastic and what ever else gets dumped in the trash bin?

        3. I live in the UK where such facilities are commonplace and of course they have sophisticated filtering systems. The EU has extremely strict regulations with regards to atmospheric emissions and they are strictly enforced. Burning waste is the simple part. The difficult work is keeping the exhaust emissions and ash safe.

          The UK is a relatively small country with a large population. Waste is best dealt with fairly close to where it is created, so incinerators are situated not too far from the population that they serve, therefore they have to be operating safely so as not to put the local population at risk.

          It doesn’t rely on magic, but on a determination to do our best not to ruin our planet, even if other solutions may initially seem cheaper.

  5. There is nothing more annoying than being asked to pay for a plastic bag when you have just spent 600 on a phone.

    Good qualirt paper products look great and give tou that quality shopping feel which the ‘fashion SVP’ is all too familiar with,

  6. NO, Apple, don’t do this!! Paper bags break, and with not too much weight inside them. Especially if there’s even a little rain on the way home, let alone a deluge. You’re endangering the merchandise inside – it will fall to the ground and be damaged, or the contents will get wet. Don’t do it!

    1. You can grow replacement wood to make paper, but you can’t grow the raw materials for most plastics. Hence the term ‘renewable’.

      It’s also worth noting that the bags that Apple are proposing to use will comprise 80% recycled material. Part of the economics of waste management is to find markets for recycled materials. When you can sell a recycled material it becomes economic to recycle it.

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