Apple’s ‘Timid Tim’ once again disappoints says guy who doesn’t understand what he’s just seen

“Maybe we should call him ‘Timid Tim,'” Troy Wolverton writes for The San Jose Mercury News.

MacDailyNews Take: Maybe we should call you “Myopic Asshole.”

“As Tuesday’s iPhone event showed yet again, Apple under CEO Tim Cook is anything but bold,” Wolverton writes. “The company that reeled off one breakthrough after another under the late Steve Jobs and wasn’t afraid to kill off its own successful products to make room for new ones, now seems content to just stay the course.”

MacDailyNews Take: No longer working for TheStreet, yet still writing the same tired, boring, by-the-numbers TheStreet-type anti-Apple articles (replaced by at TheStreet by some clone called “Rocco” who repeatedly scribbles the same article that Troy used to phone-in, no less). It’s sad, actually.

Wolverton writes, “Instead of completely new or radically redesigned gadgets or dramatically expanded product lines, we get incremental tweaks and changes. When the company introduces one new phone that comes in a gold case and another that comes in a brightly colored plastic case, it’s clear the Apple’s not exactly stretching itself.”

MacDailyNews Take: Among many other things, you just saw the world’s first 64-bit smartphone. You just saw the foundation laid for the future of e-commerce. You just saw the unveiling of the M7 motion co-processor. What exactly is wrong with you?

Anyone who looks at an iPhone 5s and only sees a differently colored iPhone 5, couldn’t analyze their ass from their elbow.

Wolverton writes, “‘As time has gone on, each of these events has had (fewer) surprises,’ said Bob O’Donnell, an analyst with tech research firm IDC. Apple needs to take a risk and ‘shake things up again. Otherwise, people are going to write these things off as being not as compelling as they used to be.'”

MacDailyNews Take: Yes, people like Troy. People who are too stupid and/or myopic to see what’s really going on, so they fall back on lazy hit-whoring, formulaic memes. People who are bad analysts and weak writers. Please see related articles below.

Wolverton writes, “Yes, innovation doesn’t happen on a regular time schedule, and many of Apple’s breakthrough products took years of development. But the recent drought raises doubt about Cook’s appetite for risk.”

MacDailyNews Take:

iPhone was released 5 years, 7 months, and 19 days after iPod.

iPad was released 2 years, 9 months, and 5 days after iPhone.

Tim Cook has been Apple CEO for 2 years and 23 days.

Wolverton writes, “Apple’s smartphone sales growth has slowed markedly, and it’s now shedding market share.”

MacDailyNews Take: Oh, really? Apple’s iOS smartphone market share is growing faster than Android in the US, UK and France. These are not small markets and they are often early indicators of the way the rest of the world will go in due time. Additionally, anyone who uses market share are their sole criteria, or even as their top criteria, does not understand WTF they are talking about.

Wolverton writes, “Apple needs some new products — and more big hits.”

MacDailyNews Take: Insipid, pedestrian, meaningless garbage sentence which therefore sums up the full article perfectly.

Full article… oops, we lost the link. Try this one instead here.

MacDailyNews Take: Is Troy Wolverton really the best The San Jose Mercury News can do?

Related articles:
iPhone 5c naysayers misunderstand the nature of Apple’s market share – September 16, 2013

Wolverton ham-handedly tries to concoct his usual Apple angst – September 5, 2007
Wolverton: Oh, how will Apple ever stay distinctive with Intel inside? – October 27, 2006
Wolverton: Many worries and concerns lead to Apple selloff – February 06, 2006
The Street’s Wolverton’s laugher: ‘Apple delivers mixed bag’ – July 13, 2005


    1. You can sign up at your local newspaper/gadget blog. There is only serious money in it if you can write good tripe, but it will kill you inside.

      That being said, Wall street only looks at the next quarter. The “future” of e-commerce or the “future foundation” of mobile computing doesn’t matter until it arrives and has a monetary application…which won’t happen in the next quarter.

      That’s the big mistake that people make (including MDN) in trying to understand Wall Street’s stance on Apple’s groundwork.

      1. No, no problem here understanding Wall Street.

        As soon as you realize that Wall Street types are blood sucking vipers that eat their own children, kill their mothers and sold their soul when they were 10, then all these articles make perfect sense.

    2. Say what you will, believe what you want, but after Apple’s latest launch one fact remains salient to everyone… Tim Cook is a joke!

      We can start the countdown now, because Wallstreet, the man on the street, the tech world, and even the Apple board members now realize that the guy who is currently babysitting Apple has to go, NOW!

      1. So you’re one of those that if a lie is repeated enough (with no basis in facts) you believe it.

        I happen to look at hard facts, like quarterly sales the last two years.

        What cell phone company made more money than Apple?

        1. I don’t think Tim needs replacing. But if he I had to I would pick Shiller. I actually though he would be the successor to Steve. He has energy, personality, charisma. But perhaps HairForceOne would be a great CEO too. I like Tim but I think he should stop suck up to WllStreet and start to ignore types like Ichan.

    3. Hey, I know why I like this site besides for headline news and learning about tech and Apple products and related items — the “MDN Take” says things I feel and often want to say to analysts, writers, etc.

  1. While I don’t disagree with MDN’s profane characterization of Wolverton, he obviously has hit MDN’s most sensitive nerve. In spite of his short comings, Wolverton’s point is that Tim Cook is a failure when it comes to running the world’s most prestigious tech company. In that, he could not be more directly on point. With his opinion spreading throughout the land, I believe MDN should put up some kind of countdown clock to the date and time of Tim’s exit. Then, we can begin again. That will be one happy day!

      1. If Jay dislikes Tim, what is your problem ?

        While I don’t disagree on anyones opinion, I do disagree with Jays request of MDN putting up a count down clock to Tims exit. That would imply Jays opinion persuading MDN to agree with his view.

        1. See my below post. Not sure what you mean about “I don’t disagree on anyone’s opinion”, but if you’re suggesting that everyone’s opinion is right, sorry, gotta disagree on that one. ;))

    1. What is your rationalisation for this? Beyond making things thinner, and faster the Mac hasn’t dramatically changed, in so much as it’s still a desktop computer. Other than that Steve Jobs introduced the iPod , iPhone and iPad. Whilst it’s not as simple as that in implementation, the iPad is to an extent a big iPhone and hardly a huge leap.
      That’s basically three product lines in the last decade, most of the other things Apple came up with were iterations, improvements, innovations in the construction and operation of essentially the same products through time.

      To credit Steve Jobs with everything Apple has done is doing a huge disservice to all the other talent at Apple, talent which by and large is still there.

      Jobs made a lot of good choices, and no doubt had a lot of good ideas, but he could also be wrong, and his choices were aided by his team giving him really good options to choose from.

      1. Please name one company in Apple’s market that has anything
        more innovated than the iPhone, iPad, and he Mac. No company has come out with a ground breaking product on a yearly basis. Wall street treats Apple stock like a tennis ball. Write something bad about the company and the stock goes down. Then they buy at back at a discount. This cycle has been repeated for years now.

      1. – people are entitled to their own opinions
        – without them the talks here would have no flavour
        – better is, the name calling and troll labelling stops
        – jay made no personal attack on you – why do you on him?

        1. Sure, people are entitled to their own opinion, but Jay appears to have only ONE opinion; it is all he posts about here, and he never engages in dialogue. Frankly, we can do without him.

        2. ok – i give you that – if he refuses to engage in any conversation and continues to post only the view that Tim is doing a poor job and hopes he leaves Apple from his CEO position – call Jay everything in the book or just ignore him as he is not attacking anyone personally

        3. @All colors – I’m more than pleased to engage in any discussion. The problem in the MDN world is that whatever I say – and I’ve said a lot and often with very specific support for my opinions – only to be branded as a “troll” because that’s almost all the lemmings on this site have to say in reply. So, it’s sort of a waste of my time to list all the reasons that Tim Cook has failed – and he has profoundly failed – when the only response is to call me names, say I’m operating from my parents basement (I have no parents and my home has no basement), or that I’m a troll. I’m not a troll, I’m absolutely sure I’ve been an Apple customer as long as anyone who ever visits this site, I own just about everything Apple has ever made, do now, and will in the future. But, if we are ever going to get excited about this company again, it will only happen under new leadership. The Tim Cook era is a disaster.

        4. … and silverhawk, the resident troll, displays why he is so disagreeable. Every post by him/her/it is a pathetic attempt at personal insult, void of facts. Any intelligent person can see that Jay need not respond to such immature behavior.

          Moreover, Jay is correct that Tim is NOT growing Apple with the drive that The Man Who Cannot Be Named did, even on that man’s sickest days. Cook makes a fine COO, but there are indeed other executives who can fire things up.

          … here’s just one: Alan Mulally of Ford. Second to Apple, this man arguably architected and executed one of the gutsiest turn-arounds in modern corporate history. Moreover, he did it without much investor support, while negotiating with notoriously uncooperative unions, in a much more capital-intensive industry than Apple. Oh, and he did it despite a horrid strategic error: the albatross called Sync hangs around Ford’s neck to this day. Who is to blame for that boneheaded move?

          Anyway, Tim is about as inspiring and product-innovating as a plate of spinach. Nothing he has done, including the pathetic stock games, has held off the competition from making huge inroads into businesses that Apple could have easily held dominant positions.

        5. @Grigori – I’m more than pleased to engage in any discussion. The problem in the MDN world is that whatever I say – and I’ve said a lot and often with very specific support for my opinions – only to be branded as a “troll” because that’s almost all the lemmings on this site have to say in reply. So, it’s sort of a waste of my time to list all the reasons that Tim Cook has failed – and he has profoundly failed – when the only response is to call me names, say I’m operating from my parents basement (I have no parents and my home has no basement), or that I’m a troll. I’m not a troll, I’m absolutely sure I’ve been an Apple customer as long as anyone who ever visits this site, I own just about everything Apple has ever made, do now, and will in the future. But, if we are ever going to get excited about this company again, it will only happen under new leadership. The Tim Cook era is a disaster. He is the one we can do without. Not me.

        6. “The problem in the MDN world is that whatever I say – and I’ve said a lot and often with very specific support for my opinions – only to be branded as a “troll” because that’s almost all the lemmings on this site have to say in reply.”

          Almost makes one wonder why you bother…what exactly are you trying to prove? If you DID engage more frequently, and on a MUCH greater variety of topics than you currently do, the “troll” branding would probably cease. Your own actions and attitudes have created the prevailing opinion of you.

    2. Cook is not Jobs, and he would look rediculous if he tried to be. Tim Cook has to be true to himself and not pretend to be anyone else because we would notice and call him on it (you do realize he reads MDN, right?). I’m glad he’s being himself. I’m happy that he doesn’t do the MonkeyBoy™ dance across the stage to entertain us. He’s there to be CEO, the Tim Cook version of Apple Inc., CEO. And I think anyone who can be themselves in the role left by Steve Jobs is secure enough to have my confidence.

      1. Anyone that Steve Jobs felt so highly about to succeed him; I trust. What I don’t trust is the board. Tim has not disappointed at all. 3GS iPhone was all Jobs. The slow burn from iPods to iPhones took time also. These guys know what they are doing and they worked directly with Jobs. If you review history Apple has always been pushing the envelope with what makes a product great not just acceptable. They aren’t always right, but they always have something great evolving. I am glad they don’t rush TV or watch to market just to say we were first. There is a time for everything and Apple is pretty good at waiting till the cake is fully baked before sharing. From concept to iPhone 1 took over 2 years to develop into finished product.

        Rock on Apple congrats on getting Beatles for iTunes Radio!!

    3. Well, since the author’s opinion of Cook is supported by poor arguments, I doubt that MDN is really afraid of what was written.
      For example, the author claims that having the same form factor is an example of Cook’s failures. For those that have not been
      paying attention, Apple did the same thing with the 3G/3GS and 4/4S. Jobs had plenty of input on the 3G/3GS transition and
      still probably approved of the 4/4S series. This is not specific to Cook. Second, anyone that believes that functional improvements
      that do no occur with changes in form factor is just stupid. The improvements to the camera function, 64-bit processor, M7, fingerprint
      sensor, and iOS7 are all significant improvements. Oh, but I guess that doesn’t matter since the form factor is the same. Oh, and
      Jobs would NEVER have approved the colors…except he did for the iPod Mini.

  2. MDN missed a couple of items:

    Apple released its first computer in 1978.

    Six years later, Apple released the Mac in 1984.

    SEVENTEEN years later, Apple released the iPod in 2001, 4 years after Steve Jobs returned to Apple.

    I think Cook’s doing just fine and he’s smartly not rushing a product to market before it’s ready just because morons keep demanding it.

    1. plus the world seems to have lost interest in Laptops and PC, sales continue to plummet… mobile devices are the rage – iPad and iPhones are replacing Desktops for the average users.

      with the economical uncertainties and the fall of major competition in the computer field, Apple is wise not to press so quickly on new products or innovations.

  3. These shallow analysts can’t look past the outside of a device. The form factor is superficial at this stage and the insides of this upgrade is quite impressive. But this requires a little effort, which is too much to ask for from some reporters/analysts.

    1. Form factor is not going to change much until the next revolution comes about, such as roll-up flexible screens, displays integrated into clothing, holographic projections with 3D gesture control, or whatever.

      Make the screen much smaller and it’s unusable. Make it much larger and it’s not conveniently portable. Thinner could be done, but at the cost of current battery space.

      1. Neither battery life or size is a concern, if Apple wanted to offer iPad mini with telephone capability; it would be a nice solution. Form factor is a relevant topic at this point, however Mike was saying, its what is inside – under the hood that counts… that the A7 and M7 plus 64-bit processing is very impressive. And it is. And so is the finger print pass code. Simplicity at perfection.

  4. Cook & Company can only iterate- no innovation of substance as they lack vision. Judging by Queer Eye looking Flower Power iOS7 they have no taste- like Steve Jobs used to say about Microsoft.

    Cook is looking more and more like Ballmer the 2nd- Apple Version.

    Enjoy your Pink Plastic iPhones with the white circle dialing buttons boys.

    1. Darwin, you are a vile, homophobic little shit. iOS 7 was developed by Ive, who’s a happily married man with kids, not Cook. But you know that, and still insist on perpetuating this gay-hate crap.
      The world would be a much better place without garbage like you in it.

      1. A comment was posted by Darwin Evolved,
        directly at Tim and Company, not you.
        Apple does not need you to defend itself Rorschach.

        Ives did not develop iOS7 – he art directed and over saw the progress of the marketing teams work… approving it and guiding it… which then was approved by Tim.

      2. Not homophobic, but the look is right out the Castro. Enjoy dialing your little white dots.

        Even quite a few women I know have described it as too chi-chi. It is a girly-girl OS and maybe Jony has a beard.

        I have had gay roommates in both College and the Army. I am hardly a homophobe, but iOS 7 is so gay new iPhones should come with I’m coming out pre loaded.

    1. You are right. Look at the Apps provided free from Apple, iMovie, iPhoto, Keynotes, Numbers and Pages… excellent apps to have – and now all are free. BUT WHY DID APPLE not redesign them too? The new Flat Icons are damn ugly and a mess. This is our leader, he approved Maps above all, He approved Siri as Beta, he has approved iOS7 look – Cook has no taste and Ives let the marketing group do their way. ridiculous and irresponsible.

      Have the these new Apple iOS app designs are complex with transparent colours and others far too detailed – they are not harmonious or well done. Still, Apple is fragmenting its look as well as its software with 64 bit, with Retina apps, with iPad and iPhone apps. Tim says he has a road map from Steve so when will we start seeing this?

      1. Ives has the taste for clean, simple and suitable hardware. I am sure the same was intended for iOS7 however he did not do that, as it looks incomplete since all other apps remain the old standard. Ives, well, he art directed or guided the marketing team not handling the icons himself.

      2. Jony Ive without the restraint of Steve Jobs birthed the shiteous iOS 7. His designs before Jobs are rather pedestrian.

        The hipsters, wannabes and Fanbois will not mind. I’m not so sure Red State America will warm to the Drag Queen of UIs.

        1. I like that you are honest with your opinions and you make a good point – iOS7 is perhaps a little too colourful for computing – Apple is coming out just as Diana Ross did.

        2. Many iOS users hated the felt and leather, but did not want a complete tasteless makeover of the UI. It is too chi-chi for me, the mandatory upgrading of apps -boasted upon at WWDC- is also a no sale.

          Sometimes apps are new and improved into usefulness (the wreck EA has made of Scrabble comes to mind) and users should be able to opt out.

          I not only am a long time Apple customer, I am a long time shareholder. I simply will not buy that FUGLY mess.

        3. And all of this vitriol coming from much of the same crowd (media hacks included) who have been complaining that iOS was looking stale and needed an overhaul. Make up your minds people.

          P.S. Apple doesn’t do customer focus groups for a reason. If you don’t like iOS 7, don’t upgrade.

        4. Upgraded to a Nexus 4 Phone.

          Other than iTunes I do not miss too much. Virtually every app I had on the iPhone has been ported over:
          xFinity, HBO Go, BoA, USAA, Bloomberg, BBC, Dragon, Plantronics app, ESPN, Flipboard, Pocket, France24, NHK, DWTV, Kayak, NPR, Amazon, TiVo, TuneIn Radio Pro, Scribd, TruPhone, 1 Password, AT&T apps, Verizon apps, RadarScope, Citrix, Parrot Flight apps, DuoLingo, GEICO, Strava apps, etc.

          There are a few, but not many.

          I still also have an iPad, which will remain on iOS for the time being.

    2. Many of us, myself included, hoped that you were going to retire and crawl away given Balmer’s imminent exit from Microsoft. Sadly, this does not seem to have happened yet.

      My team are ALL using iOS 7 and we love it, preferring the new look, the flatness of the Apps, its implementation and its speed. Looking back on iOS 6, we all feel that it now appears tired and old-fashioned. Maybe a little like you BLN? But hey, each to their own.

      Given the tone of so many of your posts here, no one can seriously believe that you have good taste, or indeed any taste whatsoever. So really, what you have to say is pretty much worthless.

  5. a plastic back iPhone 5c only offers a 100 buck savings to customers – compared to the 5s and the intial pricing of the iPhone 5 which seems to be discontinued now.

    Crazy… the iPhone 5s, has the A7, its faster, it includes the new M7, a cool ID finger print security, plus its all metal and is 64-bit. This phone is the better deal, and holds the future as your investment buying the 5s will have a longer product life. Buy a iPhone5s, its the better buy. IMO, 5c is too high.

    At the same time the elegant iPhone 5 seems to

  6. Here is the truth about Apple’s issue. Has anyone seen any TV ads about any of the NEW 64-bit cutting edge innovations in Apple’s iPhone 5S yet? If the Apple management thinks that the IT news is going to get to the general public without Apple paying the extortion ad money, they are crazy. If you don’t pay up then they will continue to build up those that pay up and trash their enemy. (That would be you Apple.)

  7. At some point technological advances become mundane. Look at cars. Nobody is pretending like car companies have failed because next years model won’t go sub-orbital.

    Phones in their present form have reached a leap plateau. Any further leaps will probably on the order of magnitude like in Total Recall. Implanted in the palm of your hand.

  8. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. You won’t catch the news media calling Jeff Bezos a wuss. Nor will they say the same about Elon Musk. Heck, they don’t even talk about Michael Dell in those terms. Tim Cook is less respected as a man than Marissa Mayers. Tim Cook appears to be as weak as Apple’s share price and for all I know, he COULD be the cause of it. There’s something about Tim Cook’s feeble countenance that everyone seems to notice. You can’t really love him or hate him. It’s like he doesn’t even exist. He’s just not a very dynamic CEO which I think is important for investors to rally around.

    Again, I’m only trying to get a handle on why Apple’s stock is in such a stinking mess well below the general stock market’s performance range. I have to find something or someone to put the blame on.

  9. If I remember correctly, 10 years ago we were all assuming this iPod thing was merely a vehicle to drive consumers to the Macintosh.

    It was called the ‘halo effect’. Now it is that the i-devices are driving the Apple revenues and profitability. The Mac is clearly in the back seat to you newer fellows.

    All you want now from Apple is “The New”, “The Wow”, and mainly a new Bauble to dangle in front of your friends and say ‘look what I got, before you.’ Well, Apple doesn’t work that way. They are improving their product lines as necessary and as they see fit. We don’t see liquid metal, because it’s not viable yet. When it is – then pehaps it will wow you.

    … Sorry I lost my point along the way here… Help me out here.

    1. Apple is doing fine.
      The world economy is in shift.
      Phones are a saturated market, due to the success of both,
      Apple and Samsung.
      The computer companies are in trouble as pc and laptops are not selling well.

      We all have been spoiled – and expect more from Apple.
      The free apps is an amazing deal.. it further differentiates Apple from Android greatly. 5 insanely great Apple ONLY apps now included – a definite spoil thats worth about 75 dollars there.

      Apple said they would not make a cheap phone. They didn’t. iPhone 5c is around the same price of iPhone 5. Believe the plastic back effectively reduced the price by 99 dollars if a customer buys an unlocked phone. Plus there are minor improvements inside the 5c.,Apple-iPhone-5/phones/7983,7378

  10. Apple’s investors, there is good news at the horizons. 🙂 So hold on, don’t be despair!.

    China Mobile hasn’t sold a single iPhone, but it already has 42 million iPhone users on its network.

    China Mobile doesn’t even sell Apple’s iPhone lineup yet, but a new report claims its network already provides service to more iPhone users than AT&T and Verizon Wireless combined. Ahead of the likely iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c debuts on China Mobile later this year, a report from Sina Tech claims that the network is currently home to as many as 42 million iPhone users. This is a shockingly high figure, if accurate, and it represents just under 6% of China Mobile’s massive subscriber base that totaled 740 million at last count. Earlier this month, Apple’s upcoming iPhone 5s and 5c were approved for use on China Mobile’s network, further supporting reports that a launch is imminent.

  11. One salient point: There are only a handful of people on the planet who are qualified to sit in Tim Cook’s chair, and they are all working for Apple.

    Another salient point: Only those who are qualified to do the job are qualified to criticise Tim Cook. Comment from anyone else is just hot air.

    Another salient point: Tim Cook was annointed by Steve Jobs.

    Apple has never pursued market share – it pursues market leadership, which is a different animal. In the end, market share follows, but that can take a long time. Tim Cook is pursuing Apple’s tried and true recipe for success: capture the high end of the market, make bucketloads of profit and introduce game-changing products from time to time.

    The iPhone continues to capture the cream and Apple is content to leave others to capture the bottom-dwellers. Google and Samsung have cheated their way to a competitive position, but Apple will inevitably dominate the market. The obliteration of Samsung will take time, but Apple is gradually closing the noose on the copiers.

    The iPhone 5s is a wolf in sheep’s clothing: Apple’s proprietary processor technology offers fundamental advantages which Samsung will find hard to match, and harder to exploit with Google’s software.

    There is only one significant competitor to iPhone – all but Samsung are already crippled. And Samsung is on shaky ground because they stole the technology they rely on to compete with Apple. The legal process may be slow, but the result is inevitable: iPhone will keep its place at the top of the tree, and Samsung will be left with the parts of the market Apple doesn’t want.

    Apple does want more of the market. But on its terms. The 5c is designed to lock up the 2nd tier customers, and the 3rd tier customers in year 2. At some point Apple will release a product for the next tier down, and so on.

    Wall Street wants Apple to release a cheap phone. Wall Street also wants Apple to maintain its high gross margins. Apple’s strategy will achieve both objectives. But not in 90 days – and Wall Street only cares about the next 90 days.

    One final salient point: Apple caved in to the armchair critics once, and licensed their technology after firing Steve Jobs, with disastrous effect.

  12. Every time someone mentions the so called lack of inventions of Apple, I remember the APPL stock was falling 10% after the anoumcement of the first iPod! That was with Steve Jobs in front!

    That is the proof, that WS will never will have a clue, what creative ideas are. Salesman should just shut up and count their money, that’s enough challange for them!

  13. Well that was a shit article… What the hell does he want Apple to do then? Release a vacuum cleaner? That would be risky and bold. I agree with Mac Daily News here. I was very impressed with the event that had allot of big news. I was a 5C skeptic but I am now extremely convinced. I think this guy didn’t understand what he saw at all or how good it was.

    And a second thing that mug be a reason why some people think Apple doesn’t unveil anything exiting these days may be that for some reason most if what will be releases has leaked before hand. We knew allot already of what was unveiled. I think that’s the simple reason why people aren’t surprised these days. How long have we not know about the finger print sensor or the 5C and iOS 7 that even got a peak at in a separate event? If you threat all those things as news again you see how big this event really was.

    That guys is an idiot.

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