Lenovo to release 27-inch Windows 8 table tablet starting at $1,699

“Dismayed that family members are spread out over the house, each with a separate PC or tablet? Lenovo has something it believes will get them back together: a PC the size of a coffee table that works like a gigantic tablet and lets four people use it at once,” Peter Svensson reports for The Associated Press.

“At first glance, it looks like a regular all-in-one machine in the vein of the iMac: It’s a 27-inch screen with the innards of a Windows 8 computer built into it, and it can stand up on a tabl,” Svensson reports. “But you can pick it up off the table, unhook the power cord and lay it flat for games of ‘Monopoly.’ It’s big enough to fit four people around it, and the screen can respond to ten fingers touching it at the same time.”

MacDailyNews Take: Ten whole fingers split between 4 people? Obviously, Lenovo’s masterstroke is especially good for families of shop teachers.

Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizon Table PC
Lenovo IdeaCentre Horizon Table PC (back brace not included)

MacDailyNews Take: That’s right, honey, lift with your legs, not your back.

Svensson reports, “As a tablet, it’s a monstrosity. The screen is the size of eight iPads stitched together, and it weighs 15 pounds… Lenovo, a Chinese company that owns IBM Corp.’s former PC business, said the Table PC will go on sale this summer starting at $1,699.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We love the smell of embalm in the morning.


  1. The only recourse for Apple’s competition against iPad. Go where Apple will never go, because going head-to-head against iPad has been “fruitless.”

    This is the “desktop tablet” approach…

    1. First it was dell with the dell streak “phoblet” (phone tablet mashup) now we have the “desblet”.
      The up side for levono is, I guess, that it can’t be less successful that the streak was 😉

    1. Optional extras include:

      1: A ceiling hoist for support in portrait mode.
      2: A ceiling repair kit when you find portrait mode knocks chunks out of the plaster.
      3: A stick for touching tiles out of reach of people with short arms.
      4: A big set of truck tyres and axles when you want to use it for group skateboarding.
      5: A portable generator to recharge the batteries, a mains socket just don’t cut it anymore.
      6: A dimmer switch when you get sick of seeing all those damn tiles updating on the start screen – can be really distracting.
      7: A discount voucher for a lease on a new house when you realise you have to get a bigger place should you ever try to use the giant optional touch cover.
      8: A longer stick to be able to reach the touch screen once the touch cover is in place since you are now too far away from the screen to reach it any more (however you should see the size of the optional giant mouse – that thing scares the cat).
      9: A set of binoculars to bring the screen back into focus should you ever use the optional touch cover (too far away, remember?).
      10: A pair of gloves to protect the fingers from all that exaggerated swiping (to bring apps into position) – since the screen is so big normal gestures tend to have to be bigger too or they don’t register, however this can cause friction burns.
      11: A safety harness with wall attachment to prevent you being sucked across the room by the magnetic attraction as you pick up the touch cover.

        1. Thanks, Jeff – glad to have spread some mirth your side of the pond!
          On seeing the picture with the girl staggering around with the monster tablet I had to check the date – was it April 1st already?! Good luck to Lenovo with this one.

  2. Seriously? A $1,700.00 USD gameboard? Electronic Monopoly as an example? Did Lenovo obtain the license for the Microsoft smart board?

    In a world of an ever-imploding economy (Depression), this is beyond ridiculous!

    What happens when one member of the “family” catches a cold and touches the screen? Is the screen Lysol-safe?

  3. Actually, I think the idea is interesting. It’s not really a “tablet” in the sense that it’s not really portable. But it’s an interesting idea. I doubt they’ll sell many of these, but I admire them for trying…

  4. Won’t b a big seller, but a cool concept nonetheless.

    Reminds me of the latest total recall movie with Colin Farrell where the entire front of his fridge was a touch screen. 🙂

  5. With Monopoly, Air Hockey and joysticks that attach to the screen this is an enhanced PC toy. It should do well at bars too, especially if it is puke proof.

    We love the smell of embalm in the morning.

  6. This must be the tablet the Gates’ family will have. I can hear thee mother extolling the virtue of the Surface Table capable size with the portability of the Windows 8 Desktop. Plus, it fits in the back of an SUV with little problem.

    A true Windows machine that Bill Gates could love.

    1. We have a 55″ flat panel screen in our office and the office is tiny. It’s barely big enough for people to see. Marketing this thing as a whiteboard replacement is ridiculous. It’s nowhere near big enough to be useful for that.

      Jesus what is up with the tech industry. Just an orgy of useless, cheap plastic junk of Ballmer dung.

  7. Getting the today’s family to sit together at a table is an impossible challenge. Everybody wants to be connected electronically today, not physically. Kids don’t get together and play…they just twitter away the hours.

    Get actual Monopoly game board and teach the kids how to count money instead of the computer doing it.

  8. I almost forgot! Part of the fun of my brothers and sister playing the game 50 years ago (when I was a kid) was often creating some of our own game rules.

    For example: Yes bro, I will sell you Illinois Ave. for $500, but you must take my turn mowing the grass, next week.

    I was also fun to periodically watch the dice being hurled across the kitchen table as someone landed on your hotel developed properties.

    Can they program that stuff into the game?

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