5 new Apple products coming this year

“How will Apple follow up a 2012 lineup that included two new tablets, a new notebook and a new phone?” Fortune asks.

“Analysts Gene Munster and Douglas Clinton of Piper Jaffray took a stab at predicting what used to be unpredictable: Apple’s product calendar,” Fortune reports. “Their report includes a number of not-so-prominent product upgrades, which lead Piper’s analysts to the conclusion that 2013 ‘will set the stage for bigger changes in the product lineup in 2014 and beyond.'”

Fortune reports, “But even a slow year from Apple tends to turn some heads. Here are five possible Apple products to look for in 2013.”

5 new Apple products coming this year:
• Apple Radio, March 2013
• iPad mini with Retina Display, March 2013
• iOS 7, June 2013
• iPhone 5S, June 2013
• Apple Television, November 2013

Much more in the full article here.


    1. Not a big ouch for this fool. I dont see any benefit in Retina. I must have poor vision so my mini as-is is OK for me. Those who would not buy a mini because of lack of retina are still waiting, I’m sure.

      1. You are right. And people know that if they by a product from Apple, it will not be abandoned in one or two years. They know they will have the current iOS for 4-5 years. It’s a good purchase.
        I would have bought one if I had not had other priorities for Christmas. 😉

      2. Don’t know about others, but my iPad 2 battery life seems much better than my retina iPad3. Don’t know about the 4, but mu next iPad will likely be a mini not that need another right now.

      3. Add me to the list that LOVEs the iPad Mini. What I like most is how crazy light it is – PLEASE don’t add any weight to it to make it Retina. I can hold it for hours reading.

    2. “Fools”… Hahaha… How do I get iCal’d?

      There is NO way Apple is releasing a retina mini in a couple of months. Where are the displays going to come from? Suppliers are estimating they won’t have displays available for testing until end of the year (2003) at the earliest.

      My prediction, based on component suppliers, is that the next version of the iPad mini will not be retina. Most likely, we’ll see an iPad mini upgrade that will be:
      128GB maximum storage
      1GB of RAM
      Upgraded A-series SOC
      Better camera

      No retina mini in 2013.

      People keep making the prediction of a retina mini without any understanding of the technology or the component supply. It’s as if they think Apple either forgot about retina, or thought they could jerk around their customers.

      1. I disagree. I think Apple and its partners will produce enough retina displays in the iPad mini size to release a new iPad mini, priced around $350-$400, and carry over the current iPad mini at a price around $250, to be released in October/November 2013.

        1. Can you *name* one potential supplier who hasn’t said they wouldn’t have retina displays available for testing in the mini size until the end of the year?

          I didn’t think so.

          So far, every potential supplier has stated this.

          You’re doing what every other blogger and “analyst” is doing when they’re saying there will be a retina mini sometime soon:
          Retina goes in iPhone, retina goes in iPad, therefore retina goes in mini.

          Ya, that makes sense, but not when you look at what that actually means in terms of producing a mini with the same resolution as the iPad 4, crammed down to mini size, for displays that can’t be produced yet, and putting an A6 in there while maintaining some reasonable amount of battery life and reasonable cost.

          Not a single person who is predicting an early iPad mini retina has gone into any detail on how this is going to happen or where the displays are going to magically appear from.

    3. Not as big of an ouch if the thin form size is change plus the battery life sucks because of the Retina Display on a mini. My mini is fine as is. A Retina Display would be a plus but not at expense of other features. It going be a challenge for Apple, right up their with a Retina Display MacBook Air or iMac, especially at around the same price point. I do not see a iPad Mini with at least till the third generation, just my $0.02.

    1. The MDN app was last updated May 28, 2011. At that time, MDN actually asked readers which they preferred: the MDN app or using Safari to go along with MDN’s new WordPress website revision. MDN stated at that time that it was not updating the app and recommended users use Safari.

  1. 1,2,3 and 4 are almost guaranteed although dates may change a little. 5 in my opinion, and it’s certainly not the opinion of all here, is coming and I think it will be in 2013. So not much news here.

  2. Here we go again, some analyst out there trying to stir up market noise and is trying to predict future Apple products, let alone future stock prices, for Apple to “miss” when the product is formally announced, thus driving down the stock price. Many of these product predictions are obvious product upgrades, while others are wishful thinking. Nothing revolutionary here.. we’ll leave Apple to come up with that one.

      1. Gene secretly possesses one of the rare and coveted crystal skulls. He is the Prophet of profit. He lent his name to the two most important contributions to human advancement in the 20th century: the Human Genome Project, and The Munsters (do not mock him). And he served as advisor to acclaimed director Tobe Hooper (Texas ChaInsaw Massacre) in the making of “Djinn”, soon to be released directly to DVD in 2012.

        Just don’t ask him for three wishes.

  3. Apple radio? Gimme a break. Why Apple wants to compete with Pandora is beyond me and it makes them look assholish. It’s like the companies that try to copy Apple products. Losing faith. They better come up with something that will make Steve Jobs proud or the company has peaked.

      1. Forever! For, as has been prophesied, only doom will befall those who listen to the ineffectual bleatings of the prefect: of Gaul or of any other inconsequential province of this, the Roman Empire.

    1. Methinks that Apple would not like to pay the prohibitive royalties that Pandora pays (40% of revenue) Not sure how Spotify and others circumvent them. The law needs to be changed.

  4. I don’t know about Apple Radio. I don’t really see the point for Apple, because it would not be a large revenue stream and would not result in new hardware sales.

    Apple TV may come at some point, but Munster just can’t keep predicting it year after year after year without losing all of his credibility eventually. And I don’t see it coming out this year. There haven’t been any rumors/whispers about component suppliers, more solid specs, etc. — just the same rumor rehashed about it coming.

  5. I think there’s a reasonable chance for a wearable product of the data watch variety. Bluetooth connectivity to your iPhone, so you don’t have to drag the out of your pocket when something happens (alarm, text, phone call, etc.). Also gives you access to Siri, when you want it (handy in the car, perhaps – quick access to turn-by-turn). Apple could make it svelte and stylish, at or somewhat smaller than a nano. Third parties and Samsung are going to head there fast, so Apple should consider getting there better and soon. It’s a thought, anyways. It would take a little bit of culture and fashion up-hilling, but it could be done (as happened with white earbuds).

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