Thanks to Apple, Microsoft is doomed in the era of mobile computing

“The war isn’t over, but the major battles have been fought, the handwriting is on the wall, the obituaries are being written,” Kate MacKenzie writes for PixoBebo. “When it comes to mobile computing, Apple is crushing Microsoft to death.”

“Apple’s iPod paved the way for mobile computing devices that have all but swept desktop and notebook PCs into the history books, and rendered Microsoft not a sleeping giant, but an old, feeble, comatose giant; a bloated relic of a bygone era,” MacKenzie writes. “Apple protected the iPod’s well earned perch atop portable media players by launching an even better product– the iPhone. Apple’s success caught all major makers by surprise and quickly drove desktop and notebook computing to the pocket. The ultimate personal computer is the one that fits into the hand, browses the internet, checks on email, and features a plethora of apps… [Then] Apple extended the iPhone’s success by redefining the tablet segment of mobile computing with the iPad.”

MacKenzie writes, “Microsoft was caught flat footed and has yet to recover… When it comes to mobile computing, Apple owns the lion’s share of revenue and profits. No other manufacturer is close, and Microsoft is far, far down the list.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Not bad for the “cute, little tiny niche guy,” eh, Balmy?


    1. I enjoy laughing at u tarts. Apple is doomed when windows 8 hit shelves, let me put it this way If Jobs was alive he’d be getting fired again. HE’S IN HELL THANKING LUCIFER HE’S NOT ALIVE !! THIS TIME AROUND.

  1. What an assh@le bashing. I sense fear around fanboi’s playground. Starting Fall, the real game begins. Apple’s mobile strategy will merely be remembered as just a toy for kids to play around. Mature audience who gratuated from that state will soon realize that there’s reality on toaster/oven convergence.

    1. Wow, the Anti-Apple trolls are really coming out of the woodwork! Awesome! It will be fun to watch them squirm as iPad and Mac sales continue to erode the Windows fortress and the dominance of Microsoft becomes undone.

      I expect we’ll see a lot more trolls like this as they come out from under their rocks and out of their caves.

      I need to get more popcorn!

    2. You are right the real games will start in the fall…

      * Games like offering free concert tickets at the MS store to try and create the appearence of interest in the products

      * Games of frustration for IT professionals involving strange licensing clauses which make it more expensive to run an iPad in your MS environment

      * Games of the press – Paid shills writing stories about how great the Surface is

      * Sadististic games – The first wave of buyers is surely to feel the pain

      All Microsoft will be doing is playing games…. that is all they have got up their sleeves because they never took any of this seriously to begin with!

    3. Let’s see, how long has Microsoft been in the mobile phone business? How about the tablet business? Certainly much longer than Apple in both cases. The numbers speak for themselves.

      AAPL: $547 billion, MSFT: $260 billion

      REVENUE (ttm)
      AAPL: $142.4 billion, MSFT: $73 billion

      NET PROFITS (ttm)
      AAPL: $38.6 billion, MSFT: $23.3 billion

      AAPL: 58.9%, MSFT: 6.0%

      It was less than two years ago that Apple’s market cap overtook Microsoft’s. Back in 2002, Apple’s revenue was $5.2 billion while Microsoft’s revenue was $28.4 billion.

      Does this look like a contest to you? Enjoy your state of delusion and denial.

  2. Google “Dell is Doomed”: About 2,540 results
    Google “HP is Doomed”: About 3,620 results
    Google “RIM is Doomed”: About 12,800 results
    Google “Microsoft is Doomed“: About 16,400 results
    Google “Facebook is Doomed”: About 29,500 results
    Google “Google is Doomed”: About 50,800 results
    Google “Apple is Doomed“: About 110,000 results

    Google “We are All Doomed“: About 988,000 results

  3. Silliness and disciples catching their breath, we quickly realize that MS is NOT looking to compete against Apple toys but they seem to be focused on a higher end all encompassing user experience via an approach that is focused on productivity, entertainment and ease of use. They have 1.3 billion Windows users to Apple’s 66 million Mac users to work on…. I like their chances for success.

    1. Microsoft started the Windows Tablet craze in 2001! Eleven years ago! They just devined the latest Windows Tablets with 2 very different OSes.

      What makes you think that after 11 years of trying and failing, Microsoft is going to get it right this time?

    2. That simply means Micro$lop has a lot to lose and WILL lose. All those WinBlows users over the past two decades or so really didn’t have a choice. Most of them are in third world nations anyway. Apple is gaining fast in Asia. You are aware that the Mac is outgrowing WinDoze by a factor of over 10-to-1 now, aren’t you? Now go back to the hole you crawled out from.

    3. They do have an extremely large number of users—at the moment. Can you be sure that will be the case in the future? When did evolving consumer preferences, emerging markets, and all other factors besides your precious Unholy Size, cease to matter in the real world? Read the tech press, who used to be solidly in Microsoft’s corner: they have been back pedaling for some time now; starting even before the Windows Vista debacle, and rising to a fever pitch in recent weeks as the train wreck that is Windows 8/Metro approaches. Pathetic anti-Apple bleatings about the Soviet-era days of yore, when Microsoft triumphed over IBM and crushed Apple’s skull under a hobnailed boot, and appeals to the invincibility of the Microsoft juggernaut, fall as flat as a comedian with no jokes. Apple “toys” are winning because people want “toys,” not IQ tests or bear traps. Even IT workers embrace Apple’s technologies on their merits, when not held back by Neolithic corporate structures and money laundering schemes.

      1. What µ$oft ain’t got is willing users. They do have captives in mostly enterprise settings, but the massive trend in private consumption of computing devices is moving to Apple products. MSN has it right- we’re finally breaking free from the dark ages.

  4. I posted this as a reply to a troll but will post again on top. Sometimes it’s best to just lay out the numbers of the key metrics and see if they can reply with anything meaningful at all.

    To the troll:

    Let’s see, how long has MS been in the phone biz? How about the tablet biz? Certainly much longer than Apple in both cases. Back in 2002, Apple’s annual revenues was $5.2 billion while Microsoft’s was $28.4 billion. This is how things have changed in 10 years:

    MARKET CAP (as of June 19, 2012):
    Apple: $547.7 billion, Microsoft: $259.8 billion, Google: $188.3 billion

    ANNUAL REVENUES (trailing twelve months):
    Apple: $142.4 billion, Microsoft: $73.0 billion, Google: $40.0 billion

    Apple: $38.6 billion, Microsoft: $23.3 billion, Google: $10.8 billion

    Apple: 58.9%, Microsoft: 6.0%, Google: 24.1%

    Apple: 94.1%, Microsoft: -2.4%, Google: 60.7%

    I assume you can do the math and see that Apple is way bigger in every metric than Microsoft and Google combined. With the current growth rate, Apple will dwarf them both in a few years.

    I know that you’re one of those types who get off on hating Apple for whatever reason because you just don’t have anything better to do, but being deluded and in denial won’t change a thing.

  5. I enjoy laughing at u tarts. Apple is doomed when windows 8 hit shelves, let me put it this way If Jobs was alive he’d be getting fired again. HE’S IN HELL THANKING LUCIFER HE’S NOT ALIVE !! THIS TIME AROUND.

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