50 Steve Jobs quotes on life, leadership, and the future of Apple

“It wasn’t that long ago, about 20 years, in fact, that the personal computer was considered a glorified Etch A Sketch. People didn’t know what it was or what to do with it,” Michael Cramton writes for InvestingAnswers.

“They certainly couldn’t imagine that it would evolve to be the size of a deck of cards, fit in your pocket and perform functions a million times faster than the smartest computers at the time. Or that everyone would want one,” Cramton writes. “But one person did. Steve Jobs was fascinated by computers from a young age, and the first time he encountered a rudimentary mouse-based system at the Xerox PARC facility in 1979, he knew the future of computing. And he wanted to be at the center of it.”

“It wasn’t long after that his young start-up, Apple Computers, developed a machine that would revolutionize the computing world. Along the way he captured the hearts and imaginations of people everywhere — developing products people didn’t even know they needed — and berating any employee who didn’t meet his standard of excellence,” Cramton writes. “Today, Apple, Inc. sets the standard for what a personal computer can be and do. As the genius behind Apple steps down, his replacement, Tim Cook, will have big shoes to fill.”

Cramton writes, “There’s a lot we can all learn from Steve Jobs — from his ’60s-style idealism to his ’80s-style business savvy — and to start with, here are 50 inspirational quotes from the mastermind of the personal computer.”

A sampling:

• “The most compelling reason for most people to buy a computer for the home will be to link it to a nationwide communications network. We’re just in the beginning stages of what will be a truly remarkable breakthrough for most people — as remarkable as the telephone.” (1985)

• “You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers.”

• “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

47 more Steve Jobs quotes in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Citymark” for the heads up.]


  1. This Steve Jobs quote “The Web is not going to change the world, certainly not in the next 10 years. It’s going to augment the world. And once you’re in this Web-augmented space, you’re going to see that democratization takes place.” sounds alot like the “Arab Spring”

  2. I wonder if they’ll compile an iPad version of Steve-O’s most famous sayings and make everyone at Apple carry it around like Mao’s little red book. So instead of chanting “Chairman Mao said China is #1,” Apple employees will chant “Chairman Jobs said Apple is #1.” 🙂

    1. Ballmer’s left nut:
      Wednesday, August 24, 2011 – 11:59 pm · Reply

      So I take it that Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple to take up the reins of running things back in Syria as its next dictator after Assad.

  3. Sorry, but this list is, of course, not full.

    For example, Jobs made some great quotes before and at the time of returning to Apple back in late 1996 — for example, about milking Macintosh for what it worth and move to “next great thing” (which was iPod in 2001, then iPhone, and so on).

    Also, Jobs was saying that the industry was in coma for more than ten years (meaning 1984-1996), and there is time to actually push innovation, and the pusher will be Apple.

    At that time, both of these statements sounded incredibly bold and arrogant, but it is impressive how correct both of these statements were, and it is evidence is how far Jobs was seeing both his own and industry innovation future.

    Most probably, Jobs recently had extensive discussions about it with Cook and the team, so Apple might prepare something not quite expected at all, or expected, but not expected with the way Apple will do it within next 5-10-15 years — long after Jobs gone from Apple.

  4. I wish he would have put dates to the quotes like MDN did.  It made that statement about the web more amazing.  The other big problem with writer, and a lot of others, is that they think the Mac was Steves and Apple’s first big game changer.  The Apple ][ was the first big game changer.  It made people want a computer, and Apple a well respected brand.  It was the first useful computer for small business.  It was the first computer that was taken seriously by educators.  It was the success of the Apple ][ that made IBM, and others want to jump in the PC business.  It’s what made Steve be able to afford and be considered to go to Xerox PARC.   Steve was involved with the ][ from the ground up, not with the Mac. I wish Michael Cramton, and other writers, would do a little more research.

    It was a fun article with some great advice.

  5. Not to be a noob about this, but “quotes” is a verb, not a noun. The article should say “quotations,” which is a noun. You can quote a person or a saying. When you do, you’re citing a quotation.

  6. “You’re wrong on this” — Steve Jobs

    He wrote that to me in an email reply after I went bonkers that they had Mother Theresa on their home page after her death.

    To me it felt like they were using her image to increase their cache so I wrote to Steve at about 5 email addresses that I figured could be his. About 4 hours later I got a reply. “You’re wrong on this,” he said.

    Then he wrote three or four other sentences explaining that she had agreed to have her image used for the Think Different campaign and they were seeking to honor her.

    I was very surprised, needless to say. Was he right? Well, imagine if every major website in the world had an image of Mother Theresa on it in the few days after her death — their space given in her honor.

    It would be cool. That’s what Steve believed too.

    Class act, that guy.

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