Welcome to the So-So: Microsoft to test Zune ads

“Microsoft is planning a pilot program to test ads on Zune Social, the social-networking site connected to its Zune music software and devices. In a limited way, it will also test the concept of ads on the Zune devices themselves. The initiative is expected to be announced today at the company’s advance08 advertising conference in Redmond,” Todd Bishop reports for The Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

“It’s one of the first projects to emerge from an advertising business group established inside Microsoft’s Entertainment and Devices Division, working quietly behind the scenes since last fall,” Bishop reports.

“It’s one of the ways that Microsoft is trying to expand its footprint beyond standard online display ads and Internet search ads, where the company has struggled to gain ground against Google,” Bishop reports.

Bishop reports, “Mark Kroese, the group’s general manager, was quick to acknowledge that the concept of advertising on a portable media player might raise eyebrows for people when they first hear about it. (It would probably border on sacrilege for iPod users.) …’We’re thinking about the integrity of the user experience, and the appropriate way of doing this, where it feels like there’s value exchange, as opposed to, ‘Oh, this is just ads,” he said.”

“The Zune Social pilot [is] an example of how the group is approaching the idea of advertising within Entertainment and Devices, which also includes the Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Microsoft Surface, and Windows Mobile software,” Bishop reports.

“The Zune Social advertising pilot is set to launch this summer,” Bishop reports.

Full article here.

If a bear zunes in the woods, but there’s no one there to smell it, what’s the CPM?

Of course, if you’re trying to reach some of the world’s worst decision makers, obese purveyors of bad tats, store shelf dust mites, and egg-ducker’s 85-year-old uncle, you’ve found your advertising vehicle in the Zune.

It’s no wonder Microsoft continually gets its collective ass handed to it by Google in the ad game; they have absolutely no idea what they’re doing.

Because this test alone, Microsoft’s going to lose half of their Zune user base; all six of them.

We’re beginning to think that Zune exists only to assuage Melinda by supplanting Bob™ as the most-botched Microsoft product ever.


  1. “In a limited way, it will also test the concept of ads on the Zune devices themselves.”


    “Kroese was quick to acknowledge that the concept of advertising on a portable media player might raise eyebrows for people when they first hear about it. (It would probably border on sacrilege for iPod users.) “

    Yeah, those damn iPod users. They’re such a cult. They won’t even consider ads on their portable music devices.

    “We’re thinking about the integrity of the user experience, and the appropriate way of doing this, where it feels like there’s value exchange, as opposed to, ‘Oh, this is just ads,’ ” he said.

    Oh, I take it back. Thanks for consideration. However, I don’t want to exchange value with you.

  2. “In a limited way, it will also test the concept of ads on the Zune devices themselves.”

    Well, I guess they have to figure out some way to make money on the Zune. But, with ads I’d be even less inclined to buy one (if I ever was even semi-inclined.)

  3. “It’s one of the first projects to emerge from an advertising business group established inside Microsoft’s Entertainment and Devices Division, working quietly behind the scenes since last fall,”

    I like how they kept it secret… Pretending they have some team of bad asses with no business cards or Microsoft ID badges working up some master plan or some shit.

    It’s probably a bunch of people that although probably own a Zune, never really use it like an actual consumer would. When they are sitting on an airplane, they are typing away on their Thinkpads. When they are at the gym they are watching the big TV showing Nanny 911.

    Those are the people that would dream up the idea that people want ads on their portable media device (and take this long to do it)…

  4. This is truly unbelievable — not only is Microsoft adding advertisements to the 10 people that actually bought Zunes, but this shows yet another reason (out of millions) why Microsoft they cannot be trusted — because they want to add advertising to products that should NOT be intruded upon by advertising!

  5. Wow. I mean, WOW!

    What an utter piece of crap the Zune really is.

    How do the ads work? Will you suddenly be told about the benefits of Mates® condoms in the middle of listening to God Save the Queen by The Sex Pistols?

    Jesus Micro$oft, get a fscking clue.

  6. LOL… Is this for real? Your own player is going to be slapping ads at your face? C’mon. Will MS start slapping ads in your car when you use their idiotic sync on your Fords, Kia and Hyundai? I’m pretty sure even a TROLL, Ballmer butt kissing Zune lover will not be happy with this.

  7. Okay, MDN… it’s “Glass Houses” time.
    When are you guys going to quit with the pop-under ads? Pop-ups were bad enough and I was glad when Safari built in a pop-up blocker. But pop-UNDERS are the new HELL that won’t be blocked!! At least a pop-up is in your face and easy enough to close, but those multiple goddamn pop-unders disappear under a stack of various windows (that I have open for a reason) and play #@!*&#@!!! audio forcing me scramble to find the offending window.

    The plethora of ads you already have on your main pages chokes your server down to crawl (pretty embarrassing to see the “Powered by Mac” as the bottom of page that just took 2-1/2 minutes to load). Do you seriously NEED the revenue from ads that are aggressively alienating your readership???

    Why not follow the lead of MacSlash, who had the pop-unders stopped when asked to do so by his readers. These ads are cancerous and really poison the site for your readers and other advertisers.

    PS-I’ve owned and operated an international advertising agency for 25 years and I can promise you that these pop-unders are truly counter-productive.

  8. Let’s all support MDN in their fight against annoying advertising.

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  9. “But pop-UNDERS are the new HELL that won’t be blocked!!”

    Pithhelmet, for Safari, will stop them. I’ve actually never seen them. I’m pretty sure SafariBlock will deal with them, too, if set correctly, but, don’t quote me.

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