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How to detect compromised passwords on your iPhone

Today is World Password Day, as good a day as any to check the various passwords you use to determine if they’re worth changing, you use them on multiple sites, or they’ve been compromised. Your iPhone can detect compromised passwords for you.

Daniel Howley for Yahoo Finance:

So you’ve been using your iPhone for a while, saving passwords for everything from Facebook (FB) and Amazon (AMZN) to your credit card apps to your iCloud account via its Keychain feature. Solid call. Not only does that make signing into apps easier, it also helps your iPhone determine if your passwords and accounts are putting your accounts at risk of being hacked or taken over.

To check your passwords you’ll need to go into the Settings app on your iPhone then scroll down and select Passwords. From there, you’ll see an option for Security Recommendations.

Tap that, and your iPhone will show you if you’re using passwords across multiple sites, which can put your accounts at risk; if passwords are too easy to guess; and if your information has been exposed as part of a data leak.

Tapping into each password will allow you to go to the appropriate site to access your account and make the changes you need. It’s a seemingly small feature, but one that’s worthwhile to keep your information secure online.

MacDailyNews Take: How to detect compromised passwords on your iPhone in step by step form:

  1. Go to Settings > Passwords > Security Recommendations
    If an account has a weak password, a message explains the problem.
  2. Tap the account.
  3. Tap Change Password, then change your password on the website or in the app.

iPhone also securely monitors your passwords and alerts you if they appear in known data leaks. If you don’t want iPhone to perform this monitoring, go to Settings > Passwords > Security Recommendations, then turn off Detect Compromised Passwords.

More info via Apple Support here.

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