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Apple to continue to pay hundreds of contract workers during COVID-19 shutdown

Hundreds of Apple contract workers at its Silicon Valley campus will continue to receive paychecks even with their jobs being suspended as work is curtailed at Apple’s offices amid the COVID-19coronavirus pandemic.

Tripp Mickle for The Wall Street Journal:

Chief Executive Tim Cook had assured Apple employees in a March email that the company would continue to pay hourly workers even after closing its retail stores around the world. Mr. Cook didn’t specify whether Apple would pay hourly contract workers.

On Monday, in response to an inquiry from The Wall Street Journal, a spokeswoman said the janitors’ pay would continue. “We’re working with all of our suppliers to ensure hourly workers such as janitorial staff are being paid during this difficult time,” spokeswoman Kristin Huguet said after the Journal‘s inquiry about the job elimination notices…

Apple has said previously that it continues to pay its hourly workers who work directly for the company, including retail employees and cafeteria staff. But janitors, parking attendants and landscapers work for independent contractors the company has hired for hourly wages.

MacDailyNews Take: So, it took a little while and caused some anxiety among third-party contract workers, but Apple has come through and done the right thing by continuing to pay hundreds of contract workers during the COVID-19 shutdown.

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