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Apple takes leadership role in coronavirus response

In response to the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Apple recently announced further steps. Loup Ventures’ Gene Munster applauds the leadership role Apple has assumed in taking these steps, including allowing Apple Card holders to skip their March payment without penalty, despite the near-term negative impact on revenue.

Currently, according to the latest figures from Caixin, there are 81,077 confirmed cases in China and 3,218 deaths. As of Monday morning, at least 13 countries outside China had reported caseloads of more than 1,000 infections, including a combined total of more than 3,200 deaths, according to government data and media reports. Italy recorded 3,590 new cases on Sunday, bringing its total infections to 24,747, according to the country’s health ministry. The country’s total deaths rose to 1,809.

The U.S. reported 3,807 confirmed cases as of Monday morning with 69 deaths, 42 of those in Washington State.

To help customers during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, Apple is allowing Apple Card holders can skip their March payment without penalty.

Gene Munster for Loup Ventures:

Closing all stores for two weeks outside of China adds about 1-2% revenue headwind to the March quarter. Some of the sales that would have happened in-store will shift online, which will somewhat offset the negative impact.

Apple is matching employee donations two-to-one related to the COVID-19 response.

Apple is doing it right, winning the long game in the hearts and minds of consumers by treating them with compassion.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple’s coronavirus response shows once again that Apple leads, as usual. Here’s hoping the rest will now follow Apple, as they so often do, and social distancing will become the norm while we all work together to flatten the curve of this outbreak!

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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