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What to expect from Apple’s next-gen iPhones: Hands-on with dummy models

Juli Clover for MacRumors:

Ahead of every new iPhone release, we’re inundated with rumors, part leaks, mockups, and dummy models, all of which give us a good idea of what to expect when new devices launch.

2019 is no exception. We’ve seen all of the above, and now, we’ve managed to get our hands on three dummy models of the upcoming iPhones, which offer up a look at the designs and feature changes we’re likely to see later this year.

MacDailyNews Take: We don’t hate the look of the triple cameras and we’re certain we won’t hate the extra capabilities and features they’ll deliver! For this generation of iPhones, the camera will be the main selling point. The 2020 iPhones’ main selling point will be 5G.

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