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Apple working on new Tile-like hardware tag; plans replace Find My Friends and Find My iPhone with unified app

“Apple is working on a new app that’s going to replace the Find My Friends and Find My iPhone apps,” Guilherme Rambo writes for 9to5Mac. “With codename ‘GreenTorch.’ the app is currently being tested by engineers at the company.”

“The new app will have the same features of the two existing apps, but combined into a single app, which will be available on both iOS and on macOS, as a Marzipan app,” Rambo writes. “The new unified app includes an improved ability to find a user’s devices. Called ‘Find Network,’ the feature allows devices to be tracked even when not connected to Wi-Fi or to a cellular network.”

‘Apple also wants users to be able to track any item – not just their Apple devices – using this new unified app. The company is working on a new hardware product, known only as ‘B389’ by the people involved in its development,” Rambo writes. “This new product will be a tag that can be attached to any item – similar to other products like Tile.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: With a plethora of Apple devices, Find Your iPhone (which, via iCloud, also tracks iPads, Apple Watches, AirPods, and Macs) already works very well; so well, in fact, that we’ve often wondered where Apple’s answer to Tile’s Bluetooth hardware tags was. Looks like it’s on the way!

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