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Screen Time: Will we actually reclaim our time from iPhones and iPads in 2019?

“At the beginning of this year, I was using my iPhone to browse new titles on Amazon when I saw the cover of ‘How to Break Up With Your Phone‘ by Catherine Price. I downloaded it on Kindle because I genuinely wanted to reduce my smartphone use, but also because I thought it would be hilarious to read a book about breaking up with your smartphone on my smartphone (stupid, I know),” Catherine Shu writes for TechCrunch. “Within a couple of chapters, however, I was motivated enough to download Moment, a screen time tracking app recommended by Price, and re-purchase the book in print.”

“Early in ‘How to Break Up With Your Phone,’ Price invites her readers to take the Smartphone Compulsion Test, developed by David Greenfield, a psychiatry professor at the University of Connecticut who also founded the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction,” Shu writes. “The test has 15 questions, but I knew I was in trouble after answering the first five.”

Shu writes, “Humbled by my very high score, which I am too embarrassed to disclose, I decided it was time to get serious about curtailing my smartphone usage.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: How’s your Screen Time?

In response to “Study: People who take pictures of art remember less about the works than those who don’t” we wrote five years ago:

Over the past year or so, we’ve taken to NOT recording our childrens’ dance recitals, skiing trips, concerts, and everything else precisely because we found that we couldn’t really remember very well what happened. There’s a time and a place to record video and shoot stills, but it’s definitely not all the time.

We’ve gone back to experiencing the moment with our organic hardware instead of holding an iPhone between our eyeballs and life.

You should, too. — MacDailyNews, December 18, 2013

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