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How to remove Mac Auto Fixer malware

“Here we go again,” Mike Matthews writes for iMore. “You might recall that a few months ago I got to spend some time removing MacKeeper from a Mac. Then last week, the call came from downstairs where my spouse was using her Mac. From the sound of her voice, I was sure it wasn’t good.”

“This all sounded suspiciously like a number of other software products that (1) show up on a Mac, seemingly out of thin air, (2) offer to do one thing, but (3) might do something else,” Matthews writes. “So I deleted the app, took a look around in the usual places in the home folder (Application Support, Launch Daemons, LaunchAgents, Preferences) and Safari extensions, deleted what looked suspicious, and waited for the app to reappear.”

“Sure enough, it did,” Matthews writes.

How to remove Mac Auto Fixer here.

MacDailyNews Take: Be gone, Mac Auto Fixer!

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