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How today’s Apple has thrown out the classic Apple rulebook

“When Steve Jobs came back to Apple in 1997, he didn’t like what he saw, so he set about changing the corporate culture,” Jason Snell writes for Macworld. ” A decade later, one proof of his success was the fact that the company seemed to follow a rulebook, largely behaving with a consistency that allowed those of us who covered the company to react to wild rumors with phrases like ‘Apple wouldn’t do that’ or ‘that’s not how Apple does things.'”

“But in the years following Jobs’s death (and the departure of some other Jobs-era executives), Apple has continued to evolve — and in many cases, it’s torn up the old rulebook. A lot of the changes strike me as being for the better,” Snell writes. “I feel like after Steve laid down the law in the late 1990s, some policies and decisions were never really reconsidered until the Tim Cook era got into full swing.”

Snell writes, “Here are just a few ways that today’s Apple has tossed out, or at least amended, the classic Apple rulebook.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The changes Snell describes are, thankfully, relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.

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