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Um, excuse me, but I actually like USB-C dongles

“Today, Apple finally pulled the 2015 15-inch MacBook Pro from its store. This marks the end of the dongle-free MacBook Pro, and now only the super-outdated MacBook Air, which you shouldn’t buy anyways, still has ports besides USB-C. Headphone jacks aside, Apple just moved one step closer to being a USB-C only laptop shop,” Alex Cranz writes for Gizmodo. “And I, for one, am stoked.”

“I use a lot of different laptops—among them many Windows 10 and Chrome OS devices,” Cranz writes. “So do not chalk this up to Apple fandom. Instead, chalk this up to my growing love of the dongle.”

“Consider this: The dongle is just a really affordable gadget,” Cranz writes. “When they’re not in use I have a clean-looking and light machine that’s thinner than if I had Ethernet or HDMI on board. And when it’s time to get to work, I can reach into my bag, select the right tool, and feel like someone with a much cooler profession—like a doctor, or a machinist, or maybe an assassin.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Each one of our Crumpler backpacks contains a BUBM “dongle bag,” too. (Also contians Anker chargers and cords.) We’re not sure we love that bag as much as Alex loves his, but we don’t hate it, either.

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