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ZipperDown vulnerability may impact 10% of all iOS apps, Android apps also affected

“Security researchers from Pangu Lab, a well-known company that provides iOS jailbreaks, said on Monday that they have found a vulnerability that they believe affects around 10% of all iOS apps,” Catalin Cimpanu reports for BleepingComputer. “Researchers described the issue — which they named ZipperDown — as ‘a common programming error, which leads to severe consequences such as data overwritten and even code execution in the context of affected apps.'”

“Pangu Lab said it created an automated scan rule to search for ZipperDown in iOS apps. Researchers found that 15,978 out of the total of 168,951 iOS apps they scanned appeared to be impacted by the ZipperDown vulnerability, although, apps need to be manually inspected to confirm that they are affected,” Cimpanu reports. “The company is asking the developers of apps found on its list of potentially affected apps to contact the research team to receive details about the ZipperDown vulnerability, so each developer can test and fix his application.”

“Pangu Lab researchers also said that Android applications are also affected by similar issues and that they will release more details in the future,” Cimpanu reports. “The good news is that exploiting ZipperDown is not as straightforward as other vulnerabilities and an attacker must be in a network position to hijack or spoofing traffic to the device.”

The video below demonstrates that the user downloads and uses Weibo apps in an unsafe Wi-Fi environment, and attackers gain code execution in the context of user’s Weibo app by exploiting the ZipperDown issue in Weibo:

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: According to the Pangu Team’s website, “Note that the sandbox on both iOS and Android can effectively limit ZipperDown’s consequence.”

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