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Why hasn’t Apple-follower Samsung ditched the headphone jack yet?

“Back in 2016, SamMobile ran a piece headlined ‘Galaxy S8 Is Not Going to Feature a Headphone Jack,'” John Gruber writes for Daring Fireball. “That report was wrong — and not only did the Galaxy S8 retain a standard headphone jack, the new Galaxy S9 does too. (Badly misaligned with the other outputs on the bottom of the phone, natch.)”

“But I was wrong too. I read the SamMobile report and predicted it was correct, simply on the grounds that Samsung inevitably follows Apple’s lead on initially contentious design decisions,” Gruber writes. “Remember removable batteries? Samsung was still touting them as an advantage as recently as 2015.”

“I remain convinced that traditional headphone jacks are going the way of the floppy drive, and that sooner or later, they’ll be gone from all new phones. But maybe that’ll be a bit later rather than sooner,” Gruber writes. “I think there are two factors in Apple’s advantage here: Apple’s W1 chip and Lightning.”

Much more in the full article – recommendedhere.

MacDailyNews Take: Gruber is right that “AirPods get all the attention, but Lightning EarPods are even further ahead of their USB-C competition” and “why Apple doesn’t drop Lightning for USB-C.”

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