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Rian Johnson wrote ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ script on air-gapped Apple MacBook Air to guard against leak

“I’ve racked up an embarrassing amount of time playing Desert Golfing on my iPhone X. It’s a lovely little app. It’s so stupid. Some horrible friend recommended it,” Rian Johnson laments in The Wall Street Journal. “I can’t remember who, but if I ever do, I need to punch that person in the face. The most humiliating thing is I think I have played more than 1,500 holes on it.”

“I typed Episode VIII out on a MacBook Air. For security it was ‘air-gapped’ — never connected to the internet. I carried it around and used it for nothing except writing the script. I kept it in a safe at Pinewood Studios,” Johnson explains. “I think my producer was constantly horrified I would leave it in a coffee shop.”

“When I was writing Episode VIII, I was listening to ‘The History of Rome’ podcast (hosted by Mike Duncan),” Johnson ways. “The stories have a lot of similarities. They’re about family dynamics and family politics. They’re about war and the mechanisms of war. You’ve got characters like Nero who are these insane, larger-than-life, operatic madmen driving their country to ruin. It’s very timely.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Five stars for The History of Rome by Mike Duncan! Highly recommended.

Also (see the full article), five stars as well each for Johnson’s watch (Omega Speedmaster Pro), camera (Leica M6 35mm film), sketchbooks (Moleskine A4-size soft cover), and, of course, personal computer, the still inimitable and nearly perfect in every respect MacBook Air.

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