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iPhone X availability crosses 50% for the first time

“I have been monitoring 43 Apple stores in the Dallas, Minneapolis, New York City and Palo Alto areas for the past eight days to get a reading on the iPhone X’s availability,” Chuck Jones writes for Forbes. “By entering these cities zip codes it shows the in-store availability at surrounding stores and provides 688 data points which are comprised of the various carrier, color and memory size configurations.”

“By checking in the morning and evenings you can see the ebb and flow of X’s in a store’s inventory (but not how many),” Jones writes. “Last weekend almost half of the various versions were available but it fell to 20% on Tuesday evening. They crossed 50% to 52% on Thursday night so it will be interesting to see if it maintains this level during the weekend when sales should be strong.”

“While in-store availability has increased it may be better to order one on Apple’s website,” Jones writes. “If you want to pick it up at a store you can order an X on Apple’s website and have it held for you (as long as the specific version you want shows it is in stock).”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple is doing better than many expected with iPhone X supply, especially regarding earlier reports of production bottlenecks for certain components (vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers) that were said to negatively impact iPhone X production.

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