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Tech’s Black Friday Winners: Apple, Fitbit, Garmin

“For companies that make tech gadgets, the last few months have been leading up to this very moment,” Emily Bary reports for Barron’s. “Apple, Fitbit, GoPro, and Garmin all came out with new products in the second half of the year, and Black Friday weekend provided the first real hint of how well those items will sell during the crucial holiday season.”

“Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt thinks the early signs look good for Apple, Fitbit, and Garmin, but not for GoPro,” Bary reports. “McCourt is encouraged by search trends for the iPhone 8 and iPhone X over the weekend, and he thinks that Apple is addressing its supply issues for the iPhone X. Supply and demand for that phone may balance out after the holidays in many developed markets, though it may take longer in emerging markets.”

Garmin and Fitbit, both of which released new wearables in the last few months, seemed to also have strong showings,” Bary reports. “GoPro, meanwhile, appeared to be one of the weekend’s losers.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple’s earnings for this hiliday quarter are goint o be immense! Imagine if they had several million HomePod units to throw into the mix this Christmas, too!

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