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Apple under fire for banning pro-life app from App Store

“Apple has reportedly banned an anti-abortion app from the App Store after complaints were made about it from ‘left-wing bloggers,'” Luke Dormehl reports for Cult of Mac. “”

“Anti-abortion group Human Coalition claims that, when Apple first removed the app, the company said it was due to functionality problems,” Dormehl reports. “However, when Human Coalition spoke with Apple representatives, they demonstrated that the app actually exceeded minimum requirements and ‘functioned better than similar apps from other developers.'”

“Since launching the App Store in 2008, Apple has periodically faced criticism due to its curated App Store and a sometimes inconsistent approach to banning apps,” Dormehl reports. “The Human Coalition app is still available on the Google Play Store.”

Read more in the full article here.

“Pro-life organization Human Coalition says its app, which is still on the Google Play Store where it boasts a near five-star rating, was removed from the App Store by the brass at Apple after they were criticized by pro-choice activists and liberal-leaning media,” Perry Chiaramonte reports for Fox News. “Officials for the Human Coalition said Apple then made matters worse by lying about why the site was taken down.”

“Officials for Apple did not immediately respond to requests for comment,” Chiaramonte reports. “‘Harnessing the power of prayer and technology, this Prayer App brings together praying people from across the country in real-time for one purpose: to pray for abortion-determined families as they walk through their decision process,’ reads a description of the app on its Google Play Store page.”

“News of Apple’s seeming censorship of a pro-life organization came on the heels of Twitter having to reverse the ban of a pro-life campaign ad after a wave of backlash,” Chiaramonte reports. “Earlier this month, the social media giant had suspended the purchased ad of U.S. Senate candidate Marsha Blackburn, telling the Tennessee Republican’s campaign officials that a reference to ‘baby parts’ was inflammatory and would likely bring a strong negative reaction.”

“In the ad, Blackburn was seen announcing her candidacy and declaring, ‘I am 100 percent pro-life. I fought Planned Parenthood, and we stopped the sale of baby parts,'” Chiaramonte reports. “But the only negative reaction Twitter received was backlash over what was perceived as censorship on its part. Some 24 hours later, Twitter reversed its decision.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Regardless of the app, we don’t think Apple should be banning those that do not espouse violence or otherwise do not run afoul of Apple’s published App Store Review Guidelines.

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