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Apple charts the future of smartphones with new flagship iPhone X

“Apple laid claim to the future of the smartphone yesterday with a 10th anniversary iPhone X, featuring facial recognition unlocking and other refinements, touting the device as the next generation of mobile computing,” AFP reports. “Apple chief executive Tim Cook, speaking at the first event at the new campus theater named for late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, said the newest flagship handset is a milestone for the company a decade after the first iPhone release. ‘Ten years later, it is only fitting that we are here in this place, on this day to reveal a product that will set the path for technology for the next decade,’ Cook said, calling the iPhone X ‘the biggest leap forward since the original iPhone.'”

“The iPhone X has an edge-to-edge 5.8-inch (14.7-centimeter) “super retina” display that has improved resolution, and uses facial recognition to unlock the device,” AFP reports. “Analyst Patrick Moorhead of Moor Insights & Strategies called the new flagship iPhone X ‘an engineering marvel, especially when compared to the iPhone 7 and iPhone 8.'”

Apple’s iPhone X. Say hello to the future.

“‘For more than a decade, our intention has been to create an iPhone that is all display,’ Apple chief designer Jony Ive said in a statement. ‘The iPhone X is the realisation of that vision,'” AFP reports. “Jan Dawson of Jackdaw Research called the iPhone X “a far bigger upgrade” than previous devices, but questioned whether Apple was stretching its market too thin. The new iPhone X — pronounced 10 — ‘is going to be the object of desire for many users, and the challenge for Apple will be whether they’ve done enough to make the iPhone 8 range compelling,’ Dawson said in a blog post. ‘What Apple doesn’t want is for people to want the best but not be able to afford it and therefore hold onto their existing phones rather than buying what they consider second best.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The iPhone X’s $999 starting price will sell many millions of iPhone 8 and 8 Plus units while Apple will sell as many iPhone X units as they can assemble, box, and ship. Apple offers different iPhones, at different price points, for different buyers.

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