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How to rebuild your iTunes library

“Every now and then, an iTunes Library has problems,” Kirk McElhearn writes for Kirkville. “You may have tracks or songs that disappear in the library, but that are still in your iTunes Media folder. Or playlists may change or disappear. Or there may be other, inexplicable problems.”

“One way to try and fix these issues is to rebuild your iTunes library,” McElhearn writes. “I’ve done this from time to time, and it can solve some issues, and has even fixed problems with Genius.”

“It’s a simple process, but one that may take a while if you have a lot of content in your library,” McElhearn writes. “Here’s how you do it.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We’ve done it more than once and it does solve some vexing iTunes issues.

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