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10 fascinating things you didn’t know about Apple’s revolutionary iPhone

“As the iPhone celebrates its 10-year anniversary this year, it’s easy to take for granted all the big (and little) things that went into making the game-changing device a reality,” Mark Spoonauer writes for Tom’s Guide. “And while the mercurial and inspiring Steve Jobs certainly had a lot of influence over the iPhone’s design and features, dozens of engineers, designers and others gave rise to the handset — and its successors — through a series of truly impressive innovations.”

“Brian Merchant’s The One Device chronicles this journey, from the birth of multitouch and the cramming of OS X into a 3.5-inch slab of glass to the arrival of the App Store (no, it wasn’t there at the phone’s 2007 launch),” Spoonauer writes. “I had an opportunity to chat with Merchant about the iPhone and its evolution, and there are plenty of surprises.”

10 things you didn’t know about the iPhone here.

MacDailyNews Take: We think we knew, but had forgotten, airplane bathroom doors inspired slide to unlock and we absolutely love that 1980s video game classics like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong inspired UI elements like Bas Ording’s iconic iOS “rubber band” (or inertial scrolling) effect!

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