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Trump admin considers widening electronics carry-on ban to European airports; nothing larger than iPhone permitted in cabin

“The U.S. is considering expanding a ban on most carry-on electronic devices larger than a cellphone on U.S.-bound flights from 10 airports in the Middle East and North Africa to ‘likely’ include flights departing for the U.S. from Europe and possibly the United Kingdom, sources tell CBS News,” CBS News reports.

“The sources say Department of Homeland Security officials are weighing the advantages of expanding the ban against disruptions it could cause,” CBS News reports. “Government officials have been meeting with U.S. airlines on a nearly weekly basis and intend to do so again later this week. Officials say a decision could come in the next few weeks.”

“Former top TSA officials indicate to CBS News that a laptop ban had been at least discussed for well over a year dating back to an attack on a Somali airliner. The sense then was a total or widespread ban was impractical and would lead to outcry from business travelers who may elect not to travel if they can’t work on board,” CBS News reports. “Further issues include the amount of sensitive personal and professional information stored on laptops and tablets that would be suddenly forced into checked bags and the steep increase in the number of lithium-ion batteries in the cargo hold, which presents its own danger.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: On the bright side, if implemented, UK and European iPhone 7 Plus sales are set to explode, er… increase greatly in areas affected by the ban.

US-UK electronic devices ban on planes came after plot to make iPad bomb uncovered – March 27, 2017
Trump administration bans iPads, laptops and other devices in cabin on flights from certain Middle Eastern airports; Britain follows suit – March 21, 2017

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