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Woz: In 2075, we’ll have a ‘bigger’ Apple, Google, Facebook — and we’ll be living in deserts

“When Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs in 1976, the two Steves assumed it would last forever,” Jon Swartz reports for USA Today. “Woz still believes that’s true. In fact, he’s convinced Apple, Google and Facebook will be bigger in 2075, the theme of next weekend’s Silicon Valley Comic Con (SVCC), ‘The Future of Humanity: Where Will We Be in 2075?'”

“‘Apple will be around a long time, like IBM (which was founded in 1911),’ Wozniak said in an interview on Friday. ‘Look at Apple’s cash ($246.1 billion, as of the end of its last fiscal quarter). It can invest in anything. It would be ridiculous to not expect them to be around (in 2075). The same goes for Google and Facebook,'” Swartz reports. “Deserts could be ideal locations for cities of the future, designed and built from scratch, according to Wozniak. There, housing problems will not exist and people will shuttle among domed structures. Special wearable suits will allow people to venture outside, he said.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Hopefully, he’s wrong about Facebook’s continued existence (unless it changes dramatically from what it is today).

Now, shuttling around domed desert cities sound interesting, except for the one thing Woz understandably left out: Carousel.

It sucks to turn 30.

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