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Patent troll Soverain Software targets Apple in new lawsuit

“Soverain Software, a non-practicing entity that gained media attention for suing Newegg and other online retailers over ‘shopping cart’ patents, on Thursday filed a complaint against Apple for alleged infringement of IP relating to internet-based services,” Mikey Campbell reports for AppleInsider.

“In its lawsuit, filed with the patent holder friendly Eastern District Court of Texas, Soverain leverages four patents developed by e-commerce startup OpenMarket, including the now-bankrupt firm’s Transact product,” Campbell reports. “Transact, along with other technologies describing basic digital shopping carts, were at the heart of Soverain’s attack on major online companies that began more than a decade ago. The NPE set its sights on nearly 50 retailers including giants like Amazon, initially winning infringement rulings worth millions of dollars. As noted by Ars Technica in 2013, however, Soverain’s streak was stopped cold when it applied those same patents to a suit against Newegg. That year, Newegg’s lawyers won an appeal ruling that invalidated the three patents Soverain wielded in its many prior cases.”

Campbell reports, “Now Soverain is back with four more OpenMarket patents it hopes can be used to extract damages from Apple, and potentially other big tech firms.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Some patent trolls never die, they just morph and wend their way through weak points in the system like cancer.

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