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Apple iPhone to return to growth next week, ending 9-month slump

“Apple next week will report a return to iPhone growth after a three-quarter slump, a group of financial analysts predicted,” Gregg Keizer reports for Computerworld. “According to Philip Elmer-DeWitt, the creator of the Apple 3.0 website, 12 institutional and 5 independent analysts all forecast a year-over-year increase in iPhone sales during the December quarter.”

“The average sales figure from the 17 analysts was 77.3 million iPhones, which would represent a 3.4% increase over the 74.8 million Apple reported for the fourth quarter of 2015,” Keizer reports. “Analysts’ estimates ranged from a low of 75 million to a high of 80 million.”

Keizer reports, “Apple set a record for iPhone sales in 2015’s December quarter, but in each of the following three quarters, its iPhone numbers were down from the prior year’s.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Growth!

Oh, yeah, and Death to the S!

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