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Android settlers are about to understand there’s a limit to what you an achieve with hype and marketing

“Android smartphone sales have declined for not one, not two, but six quarters in the US, according to Kantar Worldpane,” Jonny Evans reports for Apple Must. “This is not a sudden death moment, the various Android brands share over half the smartphone market in the US, and while this doesn’t really equate to fiscal riches it does equate to market share.”

“‘iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and iPhone 6s were the three most popular smartphones in the US at the beginning of the holiday period, for a combined 31.3% share. The Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge were the fourth and fifth best-selling phones in the US, with Samsung capturing 28.9% of smartphone sales,’ Kantar explains,” Evans writes. “What this means is that Android has failed to excite the US market for a year and a half — even though both Samsung and Google have attempted to excite the market in that time. Pixel attracted just 1.2 percent of sales, despite huge hype, massive advertising, and the support of a compliant media.”

“My take? The latest data shows Android at its highest point, but that ecosystem is about to understand that there is a limit to what you an achieve with hype and media marketing,” Evans writes. “To survive in the long game you need to be authentic. You need to be one of the crazy ones.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: If it’s not an iPhone, it’s not an iPhone.

Ditto for the Mac, iPad, and Apple Watch.

With each passing day, more and more learn this lesson as they correct their previous poor buying decisions.

Amassing market share for the sake of amassing market share is a fool’s errand.

Apple’s iOS takes share from Android in early holiday sales; iOS up 6.4 and 9.1 percentage points in the US and UK, respectively – January 11, 2017
Apple reaps 106% of smartphone industry profits – November 21, 2016

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