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Ming-Chi Kuo: Three new Apple iPads on the way, including new model with 10-10.5-inch display

“In a new report out this morning from noted analyst Ming-Chi Quo at KGI Securities, we find the size of the new iPad form factor, expected in Q2 still in flux indicating that Apple may still be deciding between different sizes,” Seth Weintraub reports for 9to5Mac.

The new models will come in 12.9-inch, 10-10.5-inch and 9.7-inch versions. We note the 12.9-inch model will be the second generation of the existing 12.9-inch iPad Pro, the 10-10.5-inch model will be the high-end model equipped with a narrow bezel design, and the 9.7-inch model will be the low-priced option. The former two models will have an A10X chip manufactured by TSMC, while the latter comes with an A9 chip made by Samsung LSI. — Ming-Chi Quo, KGI Securities

Mac Otakara has predicted similar sized iPads in the same time period but their estimates are the screen can grow to be as big as 10.9-inches,” Weintraub reports. “These larger screens will likely be in the same or similar sized enclosures as the current 9.7-inch iPads. Meanwhile the Samsung processor/display 9.7-inch iPads will likely be low-end legacy models.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Significantly larger displays in similar enclosures to the current 9.7-inch model will be a big improvement. That 10 – 10.5 – 10.9-inch model is very, very intriguing. We hope Apple takes a hard look at iPad pricing and makes them a little bit more accessible to upper middle end tablet buyers as the company would be able to make more money in the long run via Services if they could just get iPads into the hands of more users, especially millions who are almost sold, but balking at the current prices. And “affordable” 9.7-inch model would go a long way toward recapturing the elusive iPad growth.

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