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Kill email spam on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad

“The public internet is about 22 years old. What’s the killer app of the internet? Some would say the browser, the window to the information superhighway,” Jeffrey Mincey writes for Mac360. “I say the real killer app is email. How so? In every sense of the term ‘killer app‘ email fits the definition. Along with legitimate email messages comes email from the dark side. Spam– it kills time, productivity, and efficiency.”

“Take my 22 years of dealing with email as a cue. There are only two legitimate ways to defeat email spam,” Mincey writes. “First on the list is a solution many of us have dreamed about using, but just don’t have the nerve. Don’t use email. Go off the email grid, so to speak. That solution gets rid of email spam. Unfortunately, it’s throwing the baby out with bath water and not an acceptable solution despite the sentiment.”

“Second on the list is a solution employed by most Mac users in one way or another,” Mincey writes. “For most of the 21st century I’ve relied on SpamSieve, and add on Mail utility that works much like Junk Mail, only better. Actually, much better. And there’s a way to set it all up so you don’t get spam on your iPhone or iPad.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We’re going to try the free trial (full version is $30) and see if it can help us clear our stupendous email quagmire.

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