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Tech billionaires including Elon Musk think we live in a simulation of the real world

“Some of the world’s richest and most powerful people are convinced that we are living in a computer simulation. And now they’re trying to do something about it,” Andrew Griffin reports for The Independent. “At least two of Silicon Valley’s tech billionaires are pouring money into efforts to break humans out of the simulation that they believe that it is living in, according to a new report.”

“Philosophers have long been concerned about how we can know that our world isn’t just a very believable simulation of a real one. But concern about that has become ever more active in recent years, as computers and artificial intelligence have advanced,” Griffin reports. “That has led some tech billionaires to speculate that the chances we are not living in such a simulation is ‘billions to one.’ Even Bank of America analysts wrote last month that the chances we are living in a Matrix-style fictional world is as high as 50 percent.”

“Mr Musk spoke earlier this year about the fact that he believes that the chance that we are not living in a computer simulation is ‘one in billions,'” Griffin reports. “He said that he had come to that conclusion after a chat in a hot tub, where it was pointed out that computing technology has advanced so quickly that at some point in the future it will become indistinguishable from real life – and, if it does, there’s no reason to think that it hasn’t done already and that that’s what we are currently living through.”

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Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The only flaw in Musk’s logic is sanity… or insanity. Take your pick: Red pill or blue?

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